chapter 34

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Sorry for not updating.I was busy with my school.
Here is my next chapter😊

Two weeks later.......

Anna's pov

It has been two weeks since my birthday and now I became the queen of fairyland. My mum would be so proud of me.The demon king has not show up for a while now.I know he is up to something.Right now,I'm cuddling with niall and louis.Liam,Harry and zayn are on the floor.Liam is in the middle of my legs so I'm just playing with his hair.We are watching titanic.Harry chose the movie more likely that the boys were fighting about who chose the movie. the boys ask for my opinion.I went ahead and ask Harry to chose the movie.That's how we got stuck watching titanic.The boys were pretty upset that I choose Harry though.

(I have not watch titanic but for those who watch titanic just imagine them watching it)

After the movie....

Harry has been crying for the entire movie.Now,Louis is picking a movie which is grease.How many movies can these boys watch.Probably about many.

"We could watch this movies for a very long time,"Louis said.

"Good thing that the rest of the boys can't read my mind.We still need to do my part of the mating process,"I told them as I said that they were smiling widely.

"Angel is right.So how does the mating process starts,"Liam said like as if he doesn't know about it.

"The mating process began by the youngest to the oldest and he needs to kiss his mate to feel the bond.To find out if the bond works if a colour from the girl's hand turn pink.It means that the mating process works,"I explain to them.

"So the boys will be the powerful one,"niall said as he smiled.

I just nod.The boys are just smilling like an idiot at me.Oh no.they are all gonna read my won't be fun at all.

"Hurry up Anna so we could start your mating process,"Harry said while pulling me to follow him to my room.

This won't end well.Will it?

Niall's pov:

After Harry pulled Anna to her room.Me and the boys are planning to stop the demon king from destroying this kingdom and killing our mate in the process.We can't call a witch or any black magic as it is useless on the demon king since it has no effects in him at all.The only thing that can kill him in under one second is the Crystal heart but the Crystal heart is never to be found again until a princess is born.Many royals has been waiting for the day The crystal heart will be found.Legend has it that a princess that born will have The crystal heart in their heart.The last creature to hold it is the fairies.Suddenly,shaqilah came flying in.

"Where's Anna?"Shaqilah asked.

"In her room with Harry.Why?"Liam said/asked .

"The demon king is in her room!"She shouted at us.

After we heard that,we dashed into the room.Harry was in the floor crying and Anna was gone.

"Harry,What happen?"Lou asked.

"I was just doing the mating process with Anna then the demon king just came out of no where and took Anna,"Harry sobbed.

"We need to get Anna back because she have the Crystal heart and if the demon king find out that anna has it.He is gonna kill her,"Shaqilah explain while she panicked.

"How are we gonna get her if don't even know where she is?"Zayn asked.

"Ask the guards to show you where the secret library is and meet me,syafikha and siti there,"She told us and with that she disappear.

We walked to the front door and asked them directions to the secret library.I didn't know that this castle have a secret library.We should have explore more.Before the guards find out that we were in the castle,we explore the's pretty huge.Once we enter the secret library.We saw the fairies.

"Great,we can start planning to save Anna!"Syafikha said excitedly.

I don't get her at all.

"Niall,you don't need to understand me,"syafikha said.

"Huh?You can read minds too?"I asked.

"All fairies do,anyway back to planning,"shaqilah said while shaking her at the both of us.

Don't worry princess.we will save you again.

The demon king's pov:

Now that I got Anna locked up in one of my rooms,the  boys will never find her.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!"Anna screamed.

Let the fun begin.Since the boys already done the mating process,The boys will feel pain from how much pain I put their little precious mate. (Cue in evil laughter)

Louis's pov:

"Now,So you guys finally understand the plan?"Shaqilah asked.

Siti and shaqilah have been explaining to us for the tenth time.If you're wondering where is syafikha,She left when siti explain to us for the third time. she got annoyed and left.Everyone nodded their head except for niall.Siti and shaqilah groaned.Out of no where syafikha teleport niall some where with her.When niall came back,He look scared and syafikha is not even around.

"I really don't want to know what syaf did to you but we need to save Anna,"siti said as she looked at niall concerned.

Suddenly,we felt a unbearable pain shot through our body.

"Oh no!!!The demon king must have hurt Anna.We need to start the plan now,"siti exclaim.

We start to get ready to fight the demon king.Don't worry cupcake.We are coming to save you.We will make sure that you are safe in our arms.

Anna's pov:

I'm being blindfold to my death.Yeah I know that I'm being too dramatic.This person keep on coming in and hurting me.I don't really want to know who he/she is.I need to get out of here and fast.I don't even know where am I.I hope the boys come to rescue me soon.Oh no!!Here comes this person now.He/she pulled of my blindfold.guess who The demon king.Of course who else would capture ma and torture me to death.

"As you can see on your little body that you got scars and you are naked,"He said evily.

Wait....Did he say naked.He raped me.Ahhh!!I want my mates to do it.Not him.what does he want from me?

"What do you want from me?"I asked him.

"I want your power and that little locket but it seems that locket is some how attach to you.I got to cut your neck out,"He said smilling evily at me.

He pulled out a knife.He put it near my neck.Suddenly,He got interrupted by one of his demons or whatever he called them.maybe guards.i don't care and why should the first place.

"What do you want?I'm in the middle of something important here!!"He said angrily as he still hold the knife to my neck.

"Sir,they are here.The boys and three other fairies,"The demon said to him looking wearily.

"Alright,get out or else,"He told him.

The demon dash out quickly.Scared to die in front of me.

"Aww,isn't it sweet that your five knights in shinning armor is coming to your rescue,"He said laughing evily.

I feel like I want to hurt him so badly but I can't.

"No comment.Good.Let's watch your knights in pain,"He said while making me watching my boys being hurt through the window.

Boys please be save.I love you so much.I don't wantbyou to be in so much pain.

What is the boys plan?Are they saving Anna or will theyget capture too?

Find out in my next chapter.....

I'm really sorry for not updating but I'm just having troubled in my life.I will update as soon as possible.Please comment and vote if  you like my book.I'm not forcing you.


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