💖Epilogue 💖

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Hey my lovely rainbows,My book is sadly coming to an end.I have more books in store for you.I have one coming soon in next year so keep a look out for that.We are going back to the story but while reading the story please listen to the song.Thank you and goodbye.

Lots of love,


A year later....

Third person's view:

They boys and Anna are happy with their little family.Anna gave birth to a baby boy which juilet was happy about having a baby brother to help take care of.That the boys named their baby boy,Jacob .A cute name for a cute baby as spoken by Louis,himself.

Anna's pov:

The boys and me smiled at our happy family.Niall,Louis and Harry were playing with juilet in the garden.We find out that juilet loves nature so whenever we think she is lost,We will always look for her in the garden or any where nature related.I'm here in the nursery holding our new baby,jacob with Liam and zayn too.I love my little family so much.I got my boys to help protect our happy little family.Juilet has been walking more often than she used to do and she also talk to us more considering that she is five years old.The door was open and i thought is the rest of the boys and juilet walking in.It was my mum walking into the room

"Hey mum,"I greeted her.

"Hello Anna's mom,"the boys greeted her.

"Hello,Anna and boys.Could I speak to my daughter alone?"Mum asked.

I nodded my head and hand Jacob to Liam.I follow my mum out the door to see what's the matter.

"What's wrong mum?"I asked as I start to notice tears from her eyes.

"I'm so proud of you,my darling daughter.Look how far you have come since the last time we saw each other.You have grown to become a lovely mother/wife with two kids and five husbands.When you were younger,You always say I want to beloved by someone but here you are you have five to love you.I'm very much proud of you.I love you my daughter forever and always,"mum said.

I smiled and hugged my mum.My mum bid farewell and left claming that she has important duties to do back at her kingdom.I have the most perfect family that I could ever asked for.

"Mama!!!"I heard a little girl scream for me.

I recognized that voice any where.I looked up to see my baby girl running towards me.I smilled content my towards my daughter.

Third person's view:

As Anna hold her daughter and the rest of the boys catch up towards their daughter and wife.One thing that cross the boys mind is that they are happy with their wife and kids.From that day on they lived a happy life with their now happy family with a newborn son and a five year old daughter to look after for a very long time......

From that day on they lived a happy life with their now happy family with a newborn son and a five year old daughter to look after for a very long time

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A picture of the happy family.

that's it guys,Hope you enjoyed my story so far.There are more of my stories coming your way.The next book that I'm going to write is...........

I will tell you my rainbows in my next update.That will be my last authors note for this book.

Good bye,merry Christmas to those who are celebrating.

Happy birthday Louis!!!The strongest not we ever known....

He is 25 now!!!


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