chapter 21

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Anna's pov:

It has been a few days since I saw my dad.The boys told me that they took care of daddy.I was scared that they killed him before I could even asked him what happen to mummy.


The boys just got back from I have no idea where they go.

"Umm....boys,What happen to daddy?"I asked them.

"Ummm.....about that.....we can't tell you what we did to your dad?sorry princess,"Niall explain to me.

It sounds like that they killed him.I wonder what that did to him.As long it does not envolve me at all.Louis look at me like I could run from them.All I give him is 'what did you guys do?"look.

Louis:I tell you later cupcake.

Flashback over

Louis still did not tell me what they did to my daddy.I wish I could tell them about the fairies mating process.Louis look at me that I could tell them now but I can't because we currently are walking to the room where I will start my training to be fine the queen of fairy kingdom.

Louis's pov:

I know that Anna wanted to tell them about the fairy mating process. Hey at least she is going to be a fairy queen very soon till she will always be out little princess.

Mysterious pov:( anna's mum's pov:)

I have been watching Anna and those boys.I also have been reading thier minds mostly Harry because he got so much idea on going on a date with Anna.Oh right!!I did not introduce myself,I am anna's mum and i am an angel,the queen actually.I can also see my daughter future love going to be with but I'm fussing all of you know by know.i looked at my daughter's fairy helpers and telling them to go when the sun is setting.The fairy helpers are going to help her in her journey to be come a queen and many more challengers. I hope that the boys are ready to take on this lead.

Fairy helpers' pov:

"Don't worry your highness we will keep your daughter safe from any danger and harm,"we told her.

She just nodded her head and watch her daughter and her mates.

Anna's pov:

Now a days,  I have strange falling that I am being watched except for the boys who were currently watching my evry move.The sun is setting and as I was about to walk into my room,three fairies fly pass me to my room and they look smaller than me.I look at the boys and look like that they are about to kill those fairies who went pass us.Wow!!! They have a temper that needed to be controlled.I walked into my room ignoring the boys calls.I noticed that the fairies are right in front of me.

"Hi,I am shaqilah,this is syafikha and this is siti and we are your fairy helpers to guide you and your mates through the way!"shaqilah introduced/explain to me and the boys.

I guess that they can see them now.I wonder what they mean by to guide me and the boys through the way.I just shook it off.I looked at them and notice that they are about to give me heart shaped necklace locket

"Just pressed the necklace locket and we will teleport to you,"shaqilah explain while the other two put a necklace in me.

"Wow....Thank you,"I thank them.

"It's no problem,We are here to help you and your mates,"siti said.

Wow...they are so nice but the boys look dumbfounded about that.Well......I am too tired to listen to all of this.I walked to my room after I changed into my sleeping clothes.I lay on my bed and let the darkness welcome me.

So how far do you guys like my story.please put it in the comments.


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