chapter 53

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There's a picture of one year old juilet.

One year later...

No ones pov:

Juilet is now one year old and started to walk.She could only speak like what a one year old could speak.The boys has been taking care of juilet so that Anna could control her new powers easily .Every Time it was juilet's nap time,The boys took the time to train their own new powers without putting their baby girl in danger.They have been trying hard to make sure that juilet would not be hurt by them or their unstable powers .They love her so much that they could not take a chance to hurt her at all.Today,Is the day that the boys and Anna celebrate juilet's first birthday at a castle since she was born.Both the fairy and vampire kingdoms were happy for the happy couples and their baby.

Niall's pov:

Today is my baby princess birthday and also today we get to see our beloved mate for after so long.Juilet has been walking/crawling around the castle.It gets difficult to find her though.Yes,We know.We already send a video of juilet's first step to anna.Which was amazing if you asked me.😄.Liam was carrying juilet until she disappear.Did I forget to mention that fairies develop their baby powers before vampires does.Juilet has been killing us by teleporting somewhere around the castle.We sometimes be able to get her but now it will takr sometime.

"Found her!!"Louis shouted as he tickle our baby.

"Gosh Juilet,You have to stop teleporting.What if we can't find you,Anna will have our heads.if we ever lose you,"I told her sounding like Liam.

Gosh,I do sound like him.I quickly took juilet from Louis' arms and dash to the carriage that has been waiting for us since we were just looking for a missing baby princess.

"Let's go guys,We have a mate and a mother to meet,"I called for them.

We all looked at a sleeping juilet.smilling as we have a small happy family to love and care.That juilet is also sleeping and keeping it that way.

Anna's pov :

I'm so happy my baby is coming home.The castle have been decorated as a princess theme.Just for my little princess.I have been waiting for my boys to arrive with my baby.I hear horses coming through the gates.I walked towards the noise.Seeing my boys smilling and waving ,Niall holding juilet while she giggled her way to me.

"Mama,"juilet giggles.

"How is my baby?"I said as I took her from niall.

"Great actually,"Harry said.

"Not you.Juilet,"I said while laughing at Harry.

"I know that,"he said while blushing madly.

Aww ,cutie.

"Wood,"she said smilling.

How cute?She was meant to say good but it came out wood.That's too adorable.My boys and i walked into the castle.The boys reaction was priceless that I laughed at them while juilet giggles at them.

"What's wrong boys?Never seen a princess birthday theme birthday party before,"As I said that the boys blushes a crimson red.

Could they get any cuter than this but they could.They blushed even redder as they read my mind.They looked down so that juilet won't see them blushing.I carried juilet to the nursery and Liam followed me while the boys stay behind to help out with the decoration.Liam and me get juilet into a little cute dress.Its so cute on her.

(Which I would post the picture of juilet's dress in the next chapter)

We only have an hour befour the party started so me and Liam start playing with our baby a little more before her birthday party started.

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