chapter 42

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Hey fellow directioners,Cool name right. my friend @unknown_gurl.Created this name.On with the story.

(A few hours before they find out that zayn and Anna was missing.sorry for the confusion.)

Liam's pov:

I walked towards Anna's room and I can only faintly smell her scent.Zayn was also not in his bed strange.I'm going to wake up Anna now before Louis does.When I open her door, Anna's bad is empty.I walked towards the bathroom and knock three times.After a while I broke down her door.she will be so mad at me.I hope not or else I will be dead by her.She is not even in the bathroom.I just check in her walk-in closet.She is not even in there.where is she?I walked towards where the boys are gathered.I just have to ask them.Where are zayn and Anna?

"Hey Liam,Where's Anna and zayn?"Lou asked.

"I was going to ask you guys the same thing,"I told them.

"You don't think that zayn ask Anna out,did he?"nialler said.

That would be logical since zayn and Anna is not even around.

"They could be kidnapped for all we know,"Harry said.

That's also a logical reason to have them gone.

"Let's have two groups.One search for where zayn would take Anna and the second group locate her scent and follow it to whatever it leads,"I suggested.

Everyone nodded their head.Harry and niall are in the group to track her scent since Harry is a new born who just come out from it's stage.While me and Lou find where would possibly zayn bring Anna to.

Don't worry Anna.We will find you or save you.Which ever one come first.
























(You guys think this is just got started.Anyway,back to whoever's pov It is.)

Anna's pov:

Everytime my uncle will smile at me and I will just ignore him or don't even bother to look at him.He just shut the door and lock me in.I know what you are wondering 'Why haven't I escape yet or I could just jump out of the window?'.To answer that question is I tried to escape and my uncle put a stupid tracking device in me and I tried jumping out the window.I realised that there is no window.I feel like repunzal.Who just wait for her Prince to save her but for me.I'm waiting for my four vampire mates.I hate my uncle.Speak of the devil.

"How's my favorite niece doing?"he said.

I just turned my back to him.I hear him sigh and his footsteps getting louder by the minute.

"You know that I'm doing this just to keep you save from those bloodsukers,"He told me.

"I love them.Why don't you get it?I love them for all my life.Don't you ever have this feeling of love and safe when you are with someone you love.You can't just take away someone whoever is in love.Please just return me and my zayn to the boys.I love them and I want them to love me back,"After that all i hear is silence and footsteps walking away.

I guess he will never let me see my mates ever.The door came open and i heard a growl.The door close again and i was created with silence.I turn around and saw zayn on the floor with bruise, cuts and blood.

"Zayn ,you need my blood.Please drink my blood.It will heal you,"I pleaded to him.

He just nod his head.I cut my wrist and let a few drops of my blood drip down his lips.He started drinking the blood.He went fast asleep.I carried him to my bed and lay him there.Boys, Please come quick.I don't want to be alone and i don't want zayn to die.

Louis's pov:

We have been tracking Anna's scent for a while now and we still can't find her.Me and liam got no luck finding her and now we are just gonna look around the wolf pack and that's how far harry and niall got from her scent.Liam make us hide our scent from the wolves so that they won't get suspious and kill us.I will kill whoever took Anna and zayn.I will make sure they suffer far worse than they did.if anyone touches my cupcake,I will kill them all.We quietly walked around a house and found a locked door.Niall took out a bobby pin.I don't even know where he got one espically since his hair is short and blonde.Once the door open.what we saw suprise us.Zayn on the bed laying covered in bruises and cuts.Anna on the floor with a cut on her wrist.What happen to them.Niall dashed towards anna and hug her for all his life.The rest of us walked towards zayn and check if he is alive or not.

"He is alive.He is just sleeping.Niall,how's Anna?"Liam asked/said.

"She's fine.She cut her wrist and i think she gave her blood to zayn.I'm just gonna give her my blood.Just in case she lose her blood from blood lost,"niall said.

He cut his wrist and pour blood to Anna's mouth.I know we did the first part of mating process but I still feel jealous of him.We still need to fight to see which two of us get Anna and be her forever mate and lover.Anna start to stir.Her eyes glitter and there's those beautiful eyes that I love.

"Anna,feeling alright?"Liam asked as he was checking zayn.

"Yeah Liam but how did you guys find me and zayn?"Anna said/asked.

"We followed Harry who got your scent.Perks for finishing the first of the mating which allows us to find your scent and he is also a newborn.Well,more like at his final stage.Tada.,"I told her happily.

She just rolled her eyes at me.Fine be like that.Zayn woke up with a start as Liam accidently hit him.Ouch.That gotta hurt.

"Oww liam,what was that for?"zayn said while rubbing his head.

Anna dashed for zayn and hugged him like her life depends on it.Zayn chuckled and hug her back.He kissed at the top of her forehead.Liam just look lovingly at Anna and continue checking on zayn.While that was going on,Harry and niall guard the door and i pick up Anna from zayn.Anna fell asleep on me while hugging me.

"Liam,when can we start the mating process because Anna will be more in danger.If we don't finish the process,"I whispered/asked.

"I know Lou but if the kidnapping continues.We have to be beside Anna at all times.The date is a great plan.We can do the process and Anna will be safe as we are close to get to make sure she is safe,"Liam whispered back while looking at Anna fondly.

The door handle was being shakes.Oh great.Someone is joining the party now.*note my scarsm*Look who arrive.The devil himself.

"Look I'm sorry for taking my niece from you.I saw how much you boys love my niece and i saw how much my niece love you boys back.I will let all of you leave,once your friend is heal,"He told us.

We just nodded our head and he left without another word being said at all.We just sat in the room in silence but it is a good silence.We got our lovely mate with us and Zayn is fine.The only thing left is the mating process that we need to do twice.I really want a child that I could call mine and i know that the boys too want that idea.This time round.We are never gonna leave you out of our sight.I love you my cupcake as I said that I kissed her forehead.

Write down in the comments on which boys would date Anna in the next two chapters.I hope you like my book so far.Please comment and vote for my next chapter.





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