chapter 36

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Hey everyone,I'm sorry for the long wait because I'm running out of ideas so here is the next chapter.I hope you like it.

Louis's pov:

I know Anna is stress right now because I read her mind and also she is about to cry even though I don't have the power to  know her emotions (A/N I think that's what it is called.).We still need to escape this horrible castle before that I need to know what's wrong with Anna.I better go ask her.

"Hey Anna,you're alright?"I asked her.

All the boys snapped their head to Anna.
Hey we all care for her all right.we wouldn't want her to worry too much.Suddenly,Anna broke down in front of me.Did I saw something wrong or did we do something wrong?

"Anna,what's wrong?Did lou said something wrong?"Liam asked while kneeling beside her.

What did I do?I would never say something stupid to Anna or just her ever.

"Make the voices stop!!!"Anna sobed/scream.

"She has mind reading just like Lou,"niall said.

"Anna,tell us what are the voices are saying?"I asked her.

"They say to kill them and to also kill myself or turn myself evil and also to never return to this place,"she told us.

Oh no!!!She is fighting with a demon in her head.What is demon king doing to her now.

"Guys,Anna is fighting with demons in her  head.Anna,I need you to sleep cause I'm going to enter your may hurt your head abit,"I told her.

"I'll try my best lou,"she told me.

She lay her head on Liam's lap and Liam sang a lullaby to her to make her fall asleep faster.I walk towards Anna and place my hand on her head.

"Guys,make sure no one come and hurt her or both of us,"I told them.

I heard a 'yes' and 'yeah' from them.Suddenly,I feel like I'm suck into an another world.


Where am I?

"Lou,where are you?"I heard my cupcake called.

I follow her voice till I see the most beautiful girl i ever seen.

"They you are lou.I'm scared,"Anna said while hugging me.

"Don't worry Anna,I will save you,"I said smilling down to her.

I'm finally alone with her.What can I say I'm in love with this girl.Suddenly,her world turn to a demon realm.What's going on?

"Aww,look the girl got a bodyguard,"the voice said while laughing evily.

Who is he?Can't be the demon king.I thought that the demon king can't enter dreams or world basically.

"Who are you?"I asked.

"I'm Nick,nice to meet you......not.I'm going to take her and bring her to my castle now,"he told me.

"No,you're not.No one take my cupcake away from me now or ever,"I told him.

While all of this happen Anna was shaking in fear behind me.Poor cupcake.She must be petrified.I wish I could help her.oh wait I am helping her.oops.He suddenly pounce on me and start to attack me.I quickly took a turn over I kick him where the sun don't shine (if you know what I mean.).I punch him square in the face and I continue punching him till his conscious.

"Anna,Are you alright?"I asked her making sure that she is safe.

She nodded her head while pointing behind me.I turn around and saw a huge monster right infront of my eyes.Anna let out a scream.Ouch my ears hurts.Don't worry about that first,sorry about Anna's safety first.

Suddenly,lights came out of no where.Once the lights I saw the boys.How did that get here?I ask Liam later.

"What's going on here?"niall asked as they ran towards me and Anna.

Niall hugged my cupcake as she is shaking in fear .

"Look in front of you.Tell me what you guys see?You know what I see a huge monster  that is about to kill or eat us alive.Run!!!"i asked/scream.

Everyone started to run except for Anna as she is being carried by Liam since she was shivering in fear.we ran for about an hour.We stop to take a break.What!!Don't judge us.How do you feel if you are being Chase a monster who is partically trying to kill or eat you?hmmmm.Thought so.

"G-g-guys,"Anna stuttered.

"What's wrong Anna?"zayn asked.

"MONSTER!!!!!RUNNNNNN!!!!AHHHHH!!!!!"my cupcake scream.

I pick her up and we run as fast as we could.when will this dream end.I want it to end so badly.

"Cupcake,when will this dream end?"I asked her while we were running for our live.

"This dream will be over till we kill the monster,.I think"she told me unsurely.

We ran to a cave and i put Anna down.I think we should stop running and kill that monster soon.

"How do we escape from this nightmare and make a way to kill that monster?"Harry asked.

"Guys,Anna told me that we need to take down the monster so that we could get out of this dream or nightmare and we could be free,"I told them.

"How do you suppose for five vampires and one fairy Angel to kill a huge monster that is partically trying to eat us or kill us?"zayn said.

"The monster feed off hate as it makes it more powerful and if we show the monster that we love each other.It will shrink the monster untill it disappear,"Cupcake explain to us.

This girl amaze me.I ran up to her and smother her with kisses.

"That's a brilliant idea cupcake but how do we show our love ,"I said.

"True love kiss ,"Cupcake said.

Ironic as it is since she is a fairy.True love kiss of course.It has to work.

"There Is five of us and one of you Anna.How is that gonna work?"Harry said/asked.

"The one person that I love among you five and it won't determine who will I pick to be my official mate,"Cupcake explain.

Who does this girl love the most.She stood up and walked towards.........

I'm being evil here but ta da a cliffhanger.Find out in my next chapter who did anna kissed.Also I'm sorry for not updating for a while.I was very busy for the past few days.


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