After All This Time

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(y/f/s) = your favorite show
(y/f/n) = your full name
(y/n) = your name

You pushed the untouched plate of cafeteria food away. The tiny puddle of slob stole away your appetite.

Your best friend, Cameron, is seated next to you, gobbling down his food like he hadn't eaten in a year. His plate is wiped clean within the first five minutes of lunch. He sits back in his chair in satisfaction.

"I wish I had more." He breathes out. Luckily his eyes are closed, so he doesn't see your eye roll of the century.

You replace your plate with his empty one. Cameron hears the movement and opens his eyes.

"I love you." He says. For a minute you think he is talking about the food by the passionate, drooling stare he is looking at it with. It takes you a moment to realize he was talking to you. The heat rushes to your cheeks and you are well aware of their sudden rosy color. You desperately try to control the growing feelings inside you. They spread like a wildfire, and it burns your heart that he isn't yours.

"Yeah, you better." You shyly respond. It has been a while since he talked and the statement is out of place, but he luckily doesn't notice.

Nash comes over a few minutes later and plops down in the empty seat next to you.

"Hey, (y/n). Party at my house. I expect to see you at 8," he says, already getting up again. "Cameron, you too!" He shoots finger guns at you both and whirls around. You watch as Nash walks over to a group of popular girls, probably to deliver the same news. You divert your attention back to Cameron who is nodding his head without looking up and continuing to devour the garbage. He then amusingly relaxes in his chair until the end of lunch.

~ ~ ~

You watch the clock tick away in your last class. You start to count down desperately in anticipation for the glorious ringing of the bell. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6. Almost there. 3, 2, 1. There it is. Instead of the piercing sound irritating your eardrums, it soothes your headache. School is finally out for the next three days.

You saunter over to Cameron when you find him outside in front of the buses. His hair looks lighter with the reflection of the sun and blows lightly with the wind, but the brightest part of it all is his gleaming smile when he spots you.

"Are you going to the party tonight?" He asks you when you are in earshot.

"I don't think so. I haven't been feeling too well today so I think I might just stay home instead." You lied. If it wasn't for your creative imagination, you could have sworn he looked disappointed upon hearing the news.

"Oh, well if you want company, feel free to give me a call." Was that a wink? Yes, it was. Cameron winked at you. Stop it. He is your best friend. He doesn't like you like that. You argue with your conscience but you are interrupted by the roaring of the bus engines. Cameron gives you a quick, kind of awkward hug and jogs off to his bus. You turn around and head on your own.

~ ~ ~

You licked the last bits of french vanilla ice cream from your spoon. The tub was now empty, and all the seasons of (y/f/s) were watched. The clock on your bedside table only read 11:17 p.m., but your eyelids were already drooping. You unlocked your phone to find a missed call from your parents. They had left you a text saying that they would be out for the night.

"Great. I wonder when I will ever get to hear something new from them." You mumble to yourself. You are used to being home alone for so long. Your parents are always out late getting drunk and partying with their friends.

You are startled by the knock on the door downstairs. You cautiously make your way over to the window but there are no cars around. When you open the door, Cameron is standing before you with his hands in his pockets. Your drowsiness had gone astray.

"Cameron!" Your voice sounds more excited than you meant it to be, but he hadn't seemed to notice. His mind was elsewhere.

"Hey, (y/n). You mind if I come in?"

"Not at all!" You reply with a voice crack. Your hands immediately clutch your throat and Cameron laughs.

He walks in and stretches out on the couch. "How come you aren't at Nash's party?" You ask curiously.

"I didn't feel like going without you." You freeze mid-step and he realizes what he said. "I mean- I need the c-company. Nash will be with the girls anyway. You know how he is." A nervous laugh escapes his throat. You look at him oddly, but you are internally celebrating.

"Well, what do you want to do?" You ask, sitting down on the adjacent chair. He pretends to think about it for a minute.

"I have something in mind..." You raise your eyebrows at him, urging him to elaborate. "How about a twenty questions sort of thing?"

"Sure, why not." The words slipped out automatically. You wanted to tell him no, not sure because you are scared he will ask something too personal. Maybe you will admit your feelings to him, but if you said no he would ask why so you were better off with just going along with it.

"I'll go first." He says. He begins with a questionnaire that makes you feel like it was rehearsed. The script was so flawless; he didn't even have to search his brain for questions. He just waited and listened to your answers before asking the next one.

You had started to relax after a while. He was asking you simple, nonsensical questions. But then the tables started to turn. He started questioning the party and you stuck to your original lie of feeling sick until it wasn't a lie anymore.

The game was finishing up and Cameron had one question left. When he spoke, your heart stopped.

"What do you feel for me?" The question was asked so bluntly that you forgot how to move. All you could do was stare into his eyes. The same eyes that had captivated you for all these years. I can't lie to him. You think to yourself, searching for some conclusion. Words were no longer able to form in your mind. The nervousness in you matched the look on Cameron's face.

"I-" you started but he cut you off.

"Actually, scratch that." He says. Everything was happening so fast that you didn't even see it coming when he kissed you.

Cameron leaned in fast and pressed his lips against yours. They were warm and soothing, captivating your whole body. His hands were pressed against your back securely, and your hands were in his hair, then on his back. He was the first to pull away.

"Wow..." Is all you remember how to say. You had been dreaming of this moment forever and you had pictured it a thousand different ways, but never this perfectly imperfect.

"Can I replace that last question?" You nod your head in response and bite your lower lip to contain your smile a little.

"(Y/f/n), will you grant me the honor of allowing me to call you my girlfriend?" You nod your head again and crash your lips with his once more. Then, you cuddle up next to him on the couch, using his shoulder as a pillow and engulfing yourself in his strong arms. Cameron plays a movie, but you fall asleep with him holding you not even half way in.

Well, this is my second imagine. Feel free to leave requests you would like me to write, and don't forget the feedback too. I hope you like it!
~ Skylnn

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