That Time Of The Month

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(y/f/c) = your favorite color
(y/n) = your name

You are curled up in a ball-like shape, encased in your warm, fuzzy blanket. It surrounds you like comforting arms, but not comforting enough to relieve the searing pain in your lower stomach. You feel the constant vibration throughout your bed of your rose gold iPhone 6s. With the little strength you have, you lift your phone level to your face. The name on the screen makes you grin and the picture shakes your body slightly with light laughter.

Your boyfriend Cameron's face is smiling a bright smile when you accept his FaceTime request.

"Hey gorgeous," His soothing voice coos.

"Hey." You croak out. The slight movement of the frame stops, indicating he is no longer walking.

"It's that time isn't it." You frown, solemnly nodding your head, and digging your face into your puppy pillow pet. A kissing sound seeps through the speakers. You open one eye to find Cameron's lips on the screen. They retreat back, showing his whole face in the frame again. You involuntarily smile, but then hunch over at the pain. It felt like a hammer was being smashed down into your lower midsection. Three consecutive beeps emit from your phone. When the pain permits and lightens, you look up at your screen, but your boyfriend is no longer there. He had ended the call and you felt slightly betrayed, but you quickly forgot about it.

You lay there staring at your (y/f/c) tinted wall, letting boredom overcome you. Your heavy eyelids start to droop over your eyes. Sleep is taking you into its home when there is a knock on your bedroom door. Your eyes bolt wide open. Who dares disturb my precious sleep. You think in your head, squinting your eyes.

"What." You say coldly. A familiar face pops out from behind the door, showing pure confusion.

"Babe?" He says. You love it when he uses that word for you. He then smiles after you do and proceeds deeper into the room. Cameron makes his way over to the side of your bed. His hand is behind his back and suspicion arises within you.

"Hey, I'm so glad you're here!" You tell him in the brightest tone you can. He leans down and leaves a soft kiss on your head. It sends warm and tingly feelings through your body.

"(y/n), you know I'll always be there for you right?" The heat rises to your cheeks, turning them pink, and butterflies flutter all around your stomach. He still has this effect on you, even though you have been dating for almost a year now.

"I do." He smiles and kisses your head once more.

"Aren't you wondering?" He tells you with a devious look in his eyes.

"Wondering what? What's behind your back?" He nods his head slowly. "Yes, I have been wondering, and it's driving me insane!" He giggles and reveals the contents of his hand. A box of your favorite chocolate, Ferrero Rocher, and 3 different chick flicks. Your eyes light up at the sight of The Notebook in the collection, a movie you have been wanting to see for years now.

"Oh, Cameron. I'm speechless!" The truth was that you had so many things to say to him. But you didn't want to overwhelm him, so you decided to just keep it to yourself for now.

"Good. Let's watch the movie while it lasts." He teases. You make room for him next to you and he crawls under the blanket with you. He wraps his arm around your shoulder protectively, and he caresses your arm soothingly. You lay your head on Cam's muscular shoulder, and you take in his sweet scent. The movie starts and all the pain has been whisked away.

This is my first imagine! It's about what happens every month, girls can seriously relate. This is also my first fanfic and I'm a bit nervous. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. Please leave feedback and requests in the comments. Thanks so much!
~ Skylnn

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