Request #3

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***this is for @Guitarplayer_13, so sorry it took so long. Hope you like it***

Request #3

Not Your Typical Girl

The room is crowded with my younger sister's friends. They are all laughing and joking about things from school.

"What a great party!" my best friend Abby says from behind me. I had invited her so I would have some company to deal with my sisters friends. She is practically my sister because she is always at my house. She even does chores with me in the barn.

"Oh, it's just amazing," I respond with an eye roll.

"Oh, come on Tori. Just think about the joy your sister will feel when she meets Cameron, and the love she will have knowing you set the whole thing up." She is always right so I just nod.

"Speaking of, where is he? Wasn't he supposed to be here by now?"

"Actually, he's outside. Just pulled up," my mom says, coming up from behind us.

Abby and I walk out to meet him. Neither of us are fans of him, and we both agree that horses are better than people. We also have a small bet going that he is self-centered and stuck up behind all the fake smiles.

"Abby," she introduces herself, extending her hand to him. "This is my best friend, Tori. Her sister is the birthday girl."

"Right, Tori. You're the one I talked to over the phone?" I nod my head, realizing how hot he actually is in person. "Well, let's meet this birthday girl, Miah, I believe." I nod again and lead him inside.

The second he steps into my house all of Miah's friends gasp. I point her out quickly and Cameron goes and taps her on the shoulder before she can even realize what's happening. The scream that erupts from her throat probably alarmed the neighbor's, and I'll have a ringing in my ear for the next couple months, but the joyful tears that stream down my little sister's face make it all worth it.

"Hey, Miah, happy birthday!" He gives her a hug while laughing and kisses her on the cheek.

"Did you guys know about this?" she asks, turning to her friends. They all shake their heads. She slowly turns to Abby and me. "You..." she says, pointing a finger at us. I nod my head and laugh and she comes charging at us both, fresh tears going down her face. "Thank you," she whispers into our ears. When she lets go, she runs back into Cameron's arms.

The rest of the afternoon consists of random activities with Miah and Cameron spending time together, paired up in games, and taking pictures and talking. This is probably the best birthday that Miah has ever had, and I take pride in being the reason for it all happening.

Cameron had been making eye contact with me since he got here and Abby had noticed like I did.

"I think he might like you," she says, raising her eyebrows suggestively. I slap her arm.

"No way, he's too rich and cocky to notice a cowgirl like me. Either way, you know I don't do guys. The only types of males I do are horses." I wink at her and laugh, but her comment stays with me.

When 8 o'clock rolls around, and all of Miah's friends have left, Cameron's time is over. My sister has school tomorrow and has to get up extra early to finish a project.

"Thank you so much for today, Cameron. It's the best day of my life." My sister hugs him again, another round of tears on the brim of her eyes.

"You deserve it, princess." he tells her, giving her one last squeeze before she goes upstairs.

"I'm going to go sleep too, I'll see you later, Tori." Abby says, giving me a wink again. Cameron and I are left alone since my mother is cleaning up the kitchen.

"So, Tori, have you seen my YouTube videos?"

"No, I'm not into that stuff." He looks shocked at this, as if every girl likes watching a video while he does random things.

"Then what kind of stuff are you into?" I hesitate a moment, but decide to show him. I tell him to follow me and lead him out to the barn.

"Hey, buddy, how are you?" I say, patting my black and white palomino.

"What's his name?" Cameron asks, a few inches behind me. I can hear his warm breath on my neck and it sends a chill down my spine.

"Eagle," I say after a moment. "Not like you actually care though."

"What does that mean? All day, I feel like you have something against me?" I take a moment before answering him.

"You are just like every other celebrity. Stuck up, cocky, self absorbed, and downright pretentious! You pretend to care about all your fans, and then you call every girl you see absolutely beautiful. You are extremely fake and I can't stand it!" He smiles after all of that.

"Done?" he asks casually.


"I'm not any of that, whether you believe me or not. I don't pretend to care about my fans, I actually care about every single one of them because I truly need their support. I also say to every girl that they are beautiful because they are. Every single girl is beautiful in their own way and I wish I could get to know them all but I can't. Besides, if I was so self absorbed would I have spent all day yesterday traveling just to surprise one girl at her birthday party?" His answer catches me by surprise. I realize it's the answer I was looking for, without knowing I was looking for a specific answer.

"Wow..." is all I can choke out. I finally turn around to face him. He is way closer than I thought.

"What's the story behind the name of your horse?" he says quietly and gently. He keeps his eyes trained on him, and I can't tell if it's the spur of the moment or real, but I want him to kiss me.

"Eagle because he soars through the sky. I jump competitively with him because when we first got him he would jump over our highest fence easily..." I feel breathless.

He leans in and closes the gap between us. The only light on us is the faint flickering lamp above us. His lips feel soft and soothing. I know I'm contradicting myself but I don't want it to end.

Clearly I was wrong, very wrong, about him. Cameron took me on more dates after that, and my sister may have been jealous of me, but at the same time she was happy for me.

Oh, my goodness, gracious, oh, my, gosh. Look, I feel terrible honestly. This took way too long. I really need to get my life together hahahaha...haha..ha. Okay anyway, Guitarplayer_13 I really hope you like this. Again, I am so sorry this took this long but I hope you thought the wait was worthwhile.

Side note, to my other readers, I know this story shows up as completed, but as you can tell I'm still taking requests. I love writing for you guys and hopefully any future requests won't take this long. Thanks for reading guys (:

~Sky <3

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