Tour Time

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"It's only a few weeks, (y/n). Then I'll be back. I'll call you every day." Cameron assures you one last time. You avert your gaze from his eyes and over to the terminal, he will exit within the next minute. It all suddenly dawns on you, hitting you harder than a truck. Your eyes well up and tears stream out of your eyes. Cameron tries wiping them away, but they appear too quickly. He pulls you in for a final hug. You wrap your arms around his skinny, toned torso. He plants a long kiss on the top of your head. You take in his sweet scent one last time before pulling away.

"I'll miss y-you." You choke out between sobs. You look into Cameron's dark brown eyes. The sparkle that is usually there is replaced with a deep sadness. You know it is because he hates seeing you like this, so you try your hardest to stop crying. You flash him one last smile before she turns around. You watch as Cameron walks away, rolling his suitcase behind him. He glances over his shoulder one last time before disappearing into a crowd of guards and other passengers. A hand lightly touches your shaking shoulders. Your legs feel week and you start to collapse but three pairs of strong hands grab you, forcing you to stay up. You are soon engulfed in the arms of someone else. The warmth reminds you of Cameron and you cry even harder. Your head starts to ache and when you look up, Shawn's face seems unreal. You feel light headed and dizzy but you can't stop crying.

Your boyfriend is going to be gone for a whole month, missing your anniversary of 6 months. Shawn removes his arms from around your torso and turns around. He bends his knees so he is level with you, and holds out his hands in an awkward position behind him. Nash then takes your left arm and leg, Aaron taking your right side. Together, they hoist you onto Shawn's back. You dig your face into the crook of his neck, trusting him to keep you safe. His shirt soaks up all your tears, and they soon bleed through all the way to his broad shoulder.

An hour later, driving back home, and the tears still keep coming.

~ ~ ~

It's been three and a half miserable weeks without Cameron. Everything reminds you of him. Every day, you wear something of his that he left back. Sometimes it's his sweatpants, other times his hoodie, and to sleep, you usually wear one of his shirts.

Today is the mark of you two being together for six months now. Cameron is still away on tour with Taylor, Jack J, Jack G, and Matt. You decide to call him around mid-day. He immediately answers.

"Hey, gorgeous," he smirks.

"Hey," you say, forcing a smile.

"How did you sleep last night?" he asks to keep the conversation alive.

"It was ok I guess."

"(y/n), I miss you too." You have to smile at the fact that he can tell exactly what's wrong, even when he is a thousand miles away.

"I love you," you tell him. "And I do miss you. I'm going to tackle you when I see you."

"I'll be ready." He smiles. A laugh erupts from behind him and he whips his head around. You watch as he smacks Matt on the head. The blue sky behind him shows.

"Your outside."

"Yeah. We are uh... On our way to the meet and greet spot right now." His tone of voice changes, like when he lies. Your heart drops into your stomach. The other line then goes completely silent and he smiles at you. Just then, you hear a knock on your door.

"Hang on, there's someone at the door." You tell him. You get up and drag your feet to the front door. Everyone is suddenly standing behind you with their phones out. You slowly open the door.

"Surprise!" A familiar voice says. You pop your head around the door and your eyes water at the sight of your boyfriend standing before you. With open arms. You etch out from behind the door, revealing your whole body. A hand slowly raises to your mouth. Cameron smiles and comes towards you.  You embrace and in the process drop your phone, but that's the least of your worries. He's here. Here! Your feet come off the ground, and you are completely supported by Cameron.

"Happy six months babe." He tells you after setting you down. You cup his face in your hands, and his arms are wrapped around your torso.

"Happy six months." You reply before crashing your lips with his. His familiar kiss warms you up, taking all your sadness and shredding it.

"I love you, (y/n)."

"I love you too, Cameron."

Well, I nearly cried writing this. I hope the beginning didn't make you too sad, and if it did I hope the ending made you smile. Please leave feedback and feel free to leave requests. Don't forget to follow!
~ Skylnn

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