imagine: dallas winston

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[ You and Ponyboy are twins, and have both just turned sixteen, while your bad-boy boyfriend, Dallas Winston, has just turned seventeen a few months before you. Although only two years apart, your older brother Darry has a problem with your boyfriend's police record. ]
"Happy birthday, baby," your boyfriend says, sneaking behind you while tickling your neck with his breath. You smirk, and he turns you around, kissing your lips gently as you walk home from school.
"Dally, I'm almost home, Darry might be able to see us," I reply, but my only thought is to let him continue to make me happy.
"Darry," he retorts, "is at work. I saw him roofing some house a couple'a blocks down."
I bow my head after he replies, "Nice try, hun," but he gently grabs my chin and raises his large eyebrow. "What'ya say we go and catch a movie later tonight?"
I furrow my brow. "I don't think I can since tomorrow's a school night, but maybe I can try and get Sodapop to let me go," I smirk. "We'll see each other again at me and Pony's birthday party, the whole gang'll be there."
He lets out a small hum, and smiles. "See you then," he says, winking, and runs off to a house across the street, who I know is Johnny's.
After about an hour of doing homework, the party is about to start. Our house is filled with cheap paper decorations that are as classy as ever, and I see our cake sitting on the table. The cake is a chocolate one, Darry's famous recipe, with the whole thing iced with chocolate frosting, and the top has a two sides- red for me, and blue for Pony. On my side is a blue candle that is a one, and on his is a red one with a five. Happy birthday is read with white icing across the middle with our names underneath it.
Something I couldn't get off of my mind was; what happens when Darry finds out about Dallas and I? We got lucky a few times before with Darry walking into the front room with us cuddling, and even a kiss goodbye on the cheek when he wasn't looking. I was just worried that tonight Dally would do something that my big brother didn't approve of.
Just then, Two-but came running in and picked me up from behind and twirled me around. "How's the birthday girl doin'?" He said energetically.
I couldn't help myself but to giggle. "I'm doing okay," I said, smiling. "It's finally good to be fifteen."
"Oh, come on, it's gotta be better than 'just okay' when I'm around," he smirked. I do have to admit, everything was more lit than normal when he was around. "M'yeah, 'guess you're right," I couldn't help but to say so.
After a few minutes, everyone came rolling in- Steve, Johnny, Darry, and finally Pony, who had to stay after school to scrape gum from under the desks, which there was a lot of, in order to get enough community service points to go to the end-of-the-year council club trip. It was about five at night when Dally finally came rolling in, and he looked very tired.
Everyone greeted him, and he came in just in time to open presents. Pony and I sat on the couch while everyone else sat in a circle around us.
Steve put a pair of car keys in a box, and surprisingly, he was kind enough to give me his old gas-guzzler of a car. He got Pony a tricycle with twenty bucks taped to it, which was real nice of him. Two got us ball tickets, next month we're seeing the rivals; Cubs at Socks, which I was excited for, I'd only listened to the games on the radio.

"Dally pitched in with me for the money, so the gift was from the both'a us," Two-bit established. I looked at Dally with twinkling eyes, and he smiled sweetly back at me. "My side of the gift for (y/n) was to see if I could take you out to dinner tonight. Just as a couple'a friends," he winked in my direction. Sodapop nodded, seemingly already knowing about us going.
"Well," Darry stepped in. "Soda and I's gift was going to either be a car," he looked at Steve. "Or ball tickets," he looked at Two-bit and Dally. "Our third result was for us to take a weekend getaway to the beach house grandpa used to have down south a little bit."
Grandpa's beach house? I never knew about that, but Pony and I were both very excited.
The party died down a bit, so Dally walked up to Darry to see if the two of us could leave. He nodded, but stopped Dally before we walked through the door and whispered something that sounded like "Don't do anything funky." Dally closed the door behind him and took a deep breath.
We finally got to the Dingo after a long walk full of random topics of conversation. He opened the door and held it open for me, and I walked in before him. A waiter seated us, and brought us our meals after a few minutes of cooking.
"How're you liking tonight?" He asked, sounding nervous. I only smiled. "It's going even better than it has, now that you mention it."
Our food was eaten, nothing left, and Dally got a small box out of his pocket. "Here," he says handing it to me. I opened the box to see a silver ring. "My Tuff Gal, it says," he blushes. "That's what I was doin' all day."
He takes my hand and puts the ring on it. "I want us to be together forever," he says. "No matter what." We kissed and continued back home.
Nobody was there anymore except my brothers, Dally and I. Something caught Darry's eye, but before I knew it, I recognized it as being my ring.
"What's that?" He asked. I shrugged and retorted. "It's a ring."
He looked at me, and then looked at Dally. "I swear if you're-" but Dal cut him off. "I will take care of her, no worries, sir."
Darry's expression changed, and so did his mind. "If you screw up one time, that's it."

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