preference ~ small imagines

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|| Guys, we have over 200 reads! I know I didn't do anything for 100, but I want to thank you all for the support! I'm doing a special where you can send in preference and imagine requests for yourself! Be sure to message me! -jay ||

[ You're Leaving for College ]

             - Darry is very proud of you when you leave for college. He will miss you like hell, and he calls you whenever you're available. He does as much as he can a week before you leave to spend time with you.

             - Soda will be smiley, but is very sad you're leaving. He's very happy that you're going to be getting well educated and will tease you for being a nerd. He takes you out to a nice dinner before you leave and will sleep tight next to you the next few nights before.

Ponyboy: ( Since Ponyboy is only fourteen, there won't be an imagine for him this time, sorry! <3 )

           - Although Johnny and you are only sixteen going on seventeen, he's surprised you're going to college, but not surprised at the same time since you're both young for going to college. He knows you'll do well because you have a high intelligence.

           - Dallas is happy that you're going to college, but he'll be sad at the same time because he won't have a partner-in-crime. He'll miss the nights the two of you spend hours watching the television and cuddle. You're worried you'll end up like Sylvia, but you sense that nothing bad will happen.

            - Two-bit is overly proud of you, almost like a mother. He makes all of these jokes about you being a smarty pants. The two of you spend the last couple of weeks doing as much as you can to spend time with each other before you leave. You both plan when you can see each other and maybe when you can spend the night at his house.

         - Steve is very emotional about you going away to college. But, at the same time, he's extremely happy for you. You fall asleep in his arms every night for a few weeks before you leave, and wake up to the smell of a chocolate cake breakfast with bacon and eggs. He gives you a box of chocolates the day you leave, and won't let you be as he drowns you in kisses before you leave.

Imagines: A Bad Ending
- Imagine seeing your Outsiders crush smooching on another girl as you're suddenly filled with jealousy.
- Imagine being told that your Outsiders crush had died during battle after being drafted.
- Imagine finding out your Outsiders crush has a terminal disease he may die from in the next few months.
- Imagine running off to find your Outsiders crush after he ran away from home, finding him lying on the ground, dead, stabbed.
- Imagine your Outsiders crush being arrested for a crime he did not commit, you never seeing him again.

so I took a new turn on the small imagines by making them not-so-happy. what do you think; do you want more of these?
  be sure to leave requests for our 100-200 reads imagine/preference special! you can send me messages or comment them here.

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