imagine: ponyboy curtis

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For Katelyn:
[ It had been two weeks since Ponyboy and Johnny left, and you have no clue where they are. You're worried for Ponyboy and want him to come back. Your brother is the infamous Dallas Winston.]
  It has been too long.
  I heard there had been some ruckus between the Soc's and Greasers lately, and there were two people who I hadn't expected to be involved; Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade.
  Both of those boys are pretty innocent, more so Johnny, but I had no idea where they were. The only hint I got was that they may be heading down south to Texas, according to the police. At least, that's what the paper said.
  I was sitting on the couch reading the morning paper over and over again to see if it was real. Sure enough, it was.
  Johnny Cade had killed someone.
  There was a witness from the Soc side saying he saw Johnny murder the guy, Bob, in cold blood. The rest of his gang ran away after they saw Johnny do it. Another guy said they were asking for the fight, and I knew that wasn't true since neither of them like fights or rumbles. I looked at Dally and hoped for the best.
  "Dal, where do'ya think they're at?" I asked. He reddened, and I could tell something was wrong. I walked over to him and grabbed his collar tightly. "Dallas Winston, you better tell me what the hell's going on!"
  He gulped, but sighed and gave in. "I know where Johnny and Pony are at, but that ain't saying I'm gonna tell you where."
  What? How'd he know where they were at? "What the hell, Dally?!" I said, pushing his back into the couch. "They should just turn themselves in, them idiots."
  But they weren't idiots. They were smart; enough to confuse the police of their position. But it was more dangerous to stay hidden in secret than to come out, there would be more charges pressed. Although, if they stayed out there for another week or so, it said in the paper, that the case would be closed.
  "Damn it, Dal," I said, pacing. "What even happened?"
  And he told me the story. Darry hitting Pony, Pony running away, Johnny and him getting caught up with the Soc's, and finally, the murder. God, I couldn't think that Johnny could've murdered anyone; it was a strong word. I couldn't imagine poor, puppy-dog Johnny killing anyone.
  Some kid was trying to drown Pony, and Johnny killed the guy out of defense. That was at least a good thing to testify. "I gotta see him."
  He shook his head. "I can't let you do that, sis," he began. "I don't want you telling your friends at school that you saw some murderer."
  "I don't have friends!" I yelled, and the room went silent. "I don't. I only have one person, and that person is you," I felt the tears. "I don't understand why you just can't trust me."
  He looked down. "Look, I'll show you," he said, annoyed. "But you have to promise to keep it a secret. And you'll have to stay next to me the whole time. I know what you feel about Pony."
  My face reddened. He was right, though. "When are we seeing them?" I asked.
  He smirked. "Right now."
We were riding in this nice red car on the back roads when I saw this old, ratted church in the distance. "That ain't where they're at, is it?" Even though I knew it was, I asked anyways. He nodded.
"I'm starving," he said. "Probably should take the boys out to eat with us- they've probably been living off of chocolate and marshmallows."
I had to laugh. He was speeding up, trailing a whole bunch of gravel behind us.
We finally got to the church, parked a mile or so down, and we walked there. "Two weeks? I can't see them being sane being away from home that long."
He laughed. We were at the bottom of the hill when I looked at him. "Race 'ya!" I shout, and bolt up the hill. "No fair, damn it!" He calls after me.
He caught up, and when we reached the top, he tackled me.
After awhile, we got up and walked to the church. When we finally walked in, I noticed something; Pony had cut and bleached his hair. Dally rustled his hair and pulled up his head. "What's up, blondie?" He whispered to Pony.
He woke up and I saw his eyes. His beautiful, golden-green eyes. I guess Dally saw me and gave me the stink eye.
"Hey, Dal, what's going on?" Johnny said. "How've you been?"
"I've been okay, but I'm starvin'," he responded, and both Johnny and Pony both scoffed.
"You're hungry?" Pony asked. "We've been living on bologna for the past two weeks."
"Okay, then how about we get something to eat?" Dally asked. "Dairy Queen?"
We went to Dairy Queen and we were talking when this girl came up asking for ten cents. "Can't you see we're busy?" He yelled, shoving the gun he pulled out back in the compartment.
She kept on bothering us, I thought Dally was gonna pull the gun out on her, but she went away.
The four of us finished stuffing our faces, so we headed back to the church. And, we arrived to see it was on fire.
In the end, Johnny and Pony tried saving the kids, and they succeeded, but Johnny didn't turn out too well. Dally didn't look happy, either.
That was the day he went in the hospital. Now, it was two days after.
When Pony was okay, I jumped up and hugged him, but I got off of him and punched his shoulder. "What the hell, Pony? You can't just disappear like that-" But, before I could finish, he smashed his lips against mine. He stopped kissing me and looked at me and smiled, but stopped until he realized who was behind me.
Dally towered over us and glared at Pony. He shook his head and stomped into the room Johnny was in.
We were all glad to go see Johnny that night, we all got to say our goodbyes, shed tears. He died. Just, right there, dead. I don't know if I could get over it, but Dally seemed to be in worse condition than Johnny ever was.
He left saying some stuff and when he did, but when we all left, he wasn't there; in the front.
  When we went to the Curtis house, Sodapop said something about him wanting to cause trouble, and he wanted us to meet him at the park so we can shake the cops off of him.
  I followed after everyone, and when we finally got to the park, the sirens were heard throughout the whole neighborhood. We saw Dally running to us, but it was too late.
  He pulled out his gun, and each of the police shot him down.
  I ran to him as fast as I could. "Dally, no!" I was already crying, and I couldn't stop. I put my heart to his chest and felt what was left of his heartbeat.
  And then he was gone, just like that. I looked at his gun to see it wasn't loaded.
  My big brother was dead. The only real family I had left.
  It was a couple of days after the case, and Pony and Johnny were proven to be not guilty, thanks to the Soc, Cherry, who testified against her own kind.
  It was when I was laying on the couch with Ponyboy when I had realized something.
  Dally wanted us to see him die. He couldn't take Johnny's death, Dally was Johnny's protector, and he failed to do his job. He seemed alright on the outside, but he wasn't, I knew that for sure.
  Dally wanted to be dead. And he always got what he wanted.

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