Like Her

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Last nights sleep was not comfortable. I couldn't sleep at the foot of Phineas or Ferb's bed so I had to sleep on the couch. Although it was a pretty nice couch, I couldn't curl up like usual and I had to make do with sleeping like a stick.

"Good morning, Perry!" Phineas said when he came down.

I craned my stiff neck and saw that the sun was up. It was only 8:00 a.m. Did we always wake up that early?

"Good...morning, Phineas." I croaked and tried to get up. I heard a krck and my stiff back felt better.

"I'm sorry, Perry. Was it not comfortable? Ferb, I know what we're going to do today!" He said to his quiet brother who I didn't even notice was there.

There was a knock on the door and Phineas went to answer it.

"Hey, Phineas! Watcha doin'?" Isabella said. Pinky jumped from her arms and ran over to me.

"I see you're still a human, Agent P." She smirked.
"I see you're still a shaky chihuahua." I retorted.
"Touché." She said and I smiled.

Besides Agent Peter the Panda, Pinky was one of the only agents I was actually really close to.

"You didn't tell them about being an agent, did you?" She asked.
"I'd never do that." I said.

"Oh there you are, Pinky!" Isabella said and picked up her dog.
"Never do what, Perry?" Phineas asked.
"Nothing." I said.
"Ok well, I'll just get some supplies from the store and we can start on Pinky! Ferb, will you get the tools? Isabella, just make sure that Pinky is calm." Phineas instructed.

For a fourteen year old, he sure knew how to lead.

"Oh um Phineas? Can I c-"
"Perry, want to come with me?" Phineas asked, unknowingly cutting off Isabella.

I glanced at Isabella's down struck face.

"Don't worry, Isabella. Phineas will be yours soon." I whispered and she looked at me, confused.

"Come on, Perry!" Phineas said as he walked out the door.

I followed him outside. We were walking towards the tool and supply store. Phineas was a foot shorter than me now and it felt kinda nice to walk beside him without any secrets. Ok well, I was never gonna tell him about being an agent anyways. I never want to be separated from my boys.

"So Phineas...what do you think about Isabella?" I asked, subtly.

I was gonna help Isabella. I mean come on, the guy was too oblivious. He just needed a little push.

"Isabella? She's my best friend." He said, skipping along the side walk.
"Ok but do you like her?"
"Of course I like her! She's my best friend."
"No I mean, do you like her like her?"
"What? Uh....I mean she's a r-really good friend and uh..."

His face was heating up and he was struggling to find an answer.

"Did Ferb tell you?" He asked.
"Ferb? Tell me what?"
"Oh ok. Nothing." He sighed.
"You like Isabella?"
"I didn't say that!"
"But you're blushing."

I had to laugh when his face went red and he was avoiding my gaze.

"Kidding, Phineas." I said.

It felt nice that I could talk to him like this. Made me feel like I could be human forever.

Suddenly, my watch started beeping and I discreetly took it out. Phineas didn't notice as I started to whispering to it.

"Good morni-. Agent P?" Monogram answered.
"Morning, Sir."
"So, Monty was telling me the truth."
"Yes, Sir."

His awkward teenage assistant appeared on the tiny screen next to him.

"Yes, Sir?"
"Any update on Doofensmirtz?"
"Lemme check. Hmm...none that I know of."
"Oh wait. There is footage of him outside the grocery store with a list. All it says is he's getting eggs, veal, ice cream, and leeks. I don't see how that's evil, Sir."
"Carl! Eggs, veal, ice cream, and leeks? Obviously it spells evil! Agent P, go check out what Doofensmirtz is up to!"

"Perry, we're here!" Phineas said.

I forgot I'd been walking with Phineas to the store. I quickly pulled down my sleeve, hiding my watch.

"Ok. Go find what we need. I'll pay for it." I said and he ran off.

"Agent P?" Monogram's muffled voice came through and I pulled my sleeve up again.
"Was that your owner?" He asked.
"Yes, Sir."
"You...haven't told him that you're an agent right? Because you know what'll happen if you do."
I nodded and he smiled.
"Ok well I'm trusting that on the profile I've pulled up on your owners, they're helping you turn back?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Ok, as long as you don't reveal your identity, you're good. Ugh, I can't believe I'm saying this but...Carl, it's up to you."

I saluted to him and shut off my watch before I could hear Carl's ear-piercing shriek.

Soon, Phineas appeared with some things and I pulled out some cash I'd found in the suit.

We paid and left the store. I forgot that I was trying to help Isabella get Phineas. Ok, take two.

"So, tell me. You like her right?" I asked again.
"Like who?"
"Isabella." When I said her name, he started blushing again.
"Well I-I guess..."
"Why don't you tell her?"
"Yea right. I'm totally in the friendzone there."

I cannot believe him.

"Well, just spend some more time with her and you'll be surprised."

We walked the rest of the way home in silence.

When we walked into the backyard, the gang was there playing around with the tools. Well, Buford and Baljeet were anyways. Ferb was reading a book under the tree and Isabella was petting Pinky. Her eyes lit up when she spotted Phineas.

"Hey, Phineas!"
"Oh uh h-hi Isabella"

I could tell he was thinking about what I said because he asked her if she wanted to work with him. Her eyes got wide and she beamed, her whole body was shaking and she had to slap herself to stop.

"Are you trying to set up my lovesick Isabella with your oblivious Phineas?" Pinky asked as she trotted over to me
"Is there a problem?" I asked.

Now that I was human, there a strange urge that I felt to pet every animal I saw. I practically had to force myself not to pet this service dog I saw earlier.

"No actually, I'm glad that you are. Maybe I'll have some peaceful nights then."
"What do you mean?"
"She's always talking to me about Phineas and no offense to him or you but I'm a little tired after hearing about him for seven years."
"Seven years? That long?"
"Yea. Sometimes I'm glad that I'm an agent or else I'd have gone crazy."
"Hmm we'll have to do something quick, won't we?"

I'm a little glad to be human. I can spend more time with them.

"Come on, Pinky! We're turning you human!" Isabella said and scooped up her dog in her arms.
"Oh no I forgot." Piny squirmed around and looked at me helplessly.
"Good luck." I smirked as she glared at me.

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