Almost Dead

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I was awake. I was alive. I was in...a field of flowers? I sat up and looked around.

"Perry!" I saw Pinky in the horizon wearing a white dress.
"Pinky?" I questioned.
"Come here, silly!" She laughed.

I looked behind her and saw Phineas and Isabella holding hands as they waited for us. Vanessa and Ferb were there, too. Actually, I saw everyone I knew. Candace and Jeremy were picking flowers with Stacey, Lyla, and Monty while Buford and Baljeet were rolling in the flowers. Despite all this, they all seemed to be wearing white. White suits and white dresses. The only things that weren't white were the black flowers.

"Come on, Perry!" Phineas smiled.
"We're waiting for you!" Isabella exclaimed.

Everyone started calling my name and I laughed. I stood up and started walking towards them. Suddenly, I noticed the flowers start to move towards Pinky. She smiled brightly as their black colors seeped into her white dress, causing her white dress to slowly become black. When they reached the top of her dress and completely made it black, Pinky burst into tears and she collapsed to the ground.

"Pinky?!" I screamed and ran into a full on sprint towards her.
"Perry!" She shrieked.

Everyone started screaming as the black flowers seeped their colors into the clothes. Everything around me turned black and I saw them slowly disappearing.


They all disappeared until it was just Candace, Phineas, Ferb, Pinky, and I.

"Come back, Perry!" Pinky cried.
"Perry!" Phineas and Candace shouted.

I tried to reach them but the more I ran, the farther they were. I tripped and slowly watched as soon, they were gone, too.

"No!" I screamed.

I couldn't see anything as I stumbled around to find them.

"Pinky? Where are you, Pinky?" I asked.

A light appeared and it shined on a body surrounded by the flowers.

"Pinky!" I yelled and ran towards it. "Oh, thank god you're-"

I screamed. The body wasn't Pinky's.

It was mine.

It was like looking in a mirror. It was wearing the same clothes as me but it's suit was black. There was a red rose in its breast pocket but upon closer inspection, it was actually a large blood spot. A ringing sound chimed in my ears and I held my head as I screamed for it to stop. Instead, the sound just got louder and I could make out my family and friends crying for me.

I looked at my body that was lying in the flower field and it dawned on me. Was I dead?

"Perry!" Phineas.
"Perry!" Isabella.
"Perry!" Candace.
"Perry!" Jeremy.
"Perry!" Lyla.
"Perry!" Monty.
"Perry!" Stacey.
"Perry!" Vanessa.
"Perry!" Ferb.
"Perry!" Pinky....

They were all screaming for me but I couldn't find them. All I could do was stumble around as I tried to stop the constant ringing.

I noticed that it was getting harder to breath and that my heart was slowing down. Just as before, the world went dark as I fell.

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