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Isabella smiled and took Phineas' hand.  "So...watcha doing?"
Phineas smiled. "Well, I was thinking we could some of those close friends things."
Isabella rolled her eyes. "You mean like this?" She and Phineas leaned in, their faces close.


I looked over at Ferb wondering if we should interrupt their moment. He shrugged and then nodded his head to Pinky and Vanessa. I really didn't want to ruin Phineas' moment but he'd probably appreciate it more if they had privacy. I cleared my throat loudly and Phineas and Isabella pulled away, their faces red when they spotted us.

"P-Perry? Ferb? Um, sorry. W-we didn't know you were there." Phineas mumbled.
Isabella blushed and then she saw Pinky and Vanessa. "Oh my bravery patch! What happened?!"
"We don't know. They just...fainted?" I explained.

Isabella put her head to Pinky's chest and then sighed. She did the same for Vanessa.

"Their breathing is fine. They should wake up soon." She said.
A few seconds later, Vanessa's eyes fluttered opened. "What...happened?"

I heard a beeping noise. My watch. I ran out of the room and answered the call.

"Agent P, Carl just got an update. Apparently, something happened and the girls' personalities are fighting and trying to back to the right girl. Any idea why?" Monogram asked.

I thought back. That's right. Vanessa didn't want Ferb to leave. And Pinky was growling at me. Pinky did change back because she didn't want to remember her feelings for me...does this mean that Vanessa likes Ferb? Ok, wait, not the time.

"Well, they just fainted but it happened because of something they did. It looked like something they would do if they had their own soul back or something?" I reported.
"You have to get them to change back immediately. If you don't, they'll be stuck like that." Monogram warned me.
"On it." I saluted and then turned off my watch.

I ran back into the room to find a small Inator-like machine in the room.

"What's that?" I asked.
"Ferb did a scan and found that their souls had switched so we're trying to return them." Phineas explained

Did I mention that I love my boys?

"Ok, ready, Vanessa?" Phineas asked.
"It won't hurt, right?" Vanessa turned to Ferb and he shook his head.
"Oh, no, we would never try to hurt anyone." Phineas said.
Vanessa nodded. "Ok, go for it."

Phineas pointed the ray at her and Pinky and shot them. A few seconds later, I caught Pinky as she fell to the ground.

"Pinky? Pinky, are you alright?" I asked.
She stirred. "What?"
"Tell me something only the real Pinky would say." I said.
"Get me some food, P." She answered.
I hugged her. "You're back."
She started blushing. "C-Can you let go?"
"I never want to let go again." I whispered.
The most adorable red color seeped on her cheeks as she looked away with a pout.

"Perry, we can change Pinky into a human if you want. Or you into a platypus." Phineas said.
I looked at Pinky. "Do you want to be human?" I asked her.
"Why does it matter to you?" She said.

"Change her back." I ordered Phineas.
"Wait, what? Perry! Phineas, wai-"

Phineas shot the animal machine at her and she transformed back into her human self with her silky blonde hair and soft skin. I sighed and buried my face in her hair. She was beautiful.

"Whatever you want to be, I'll follow you. I'm sorry for being so oblivious. Don't let me the Phineas to your Isabella." I whispered.
"Oh my god. Perry, p-put me down. Everyone is looking at us." Pinky stuttered.

True, everyone was staring at us, but I didn't care. I didn't want to stop looking at her. Did that sound creepy?

"Do you love me?" I asked.
"W-What?" Pinky asked.
"Do you love me?" I repeated.
"W-well....yea..." She admitted.
I couldn't contain my excitement and smiled so brightly. "Kiss me?"
"Great googli-moogli, no!" Pinky said.
"Please? On the cheek?" I pleaded.
"P, not the eyes." She begged.
I smirked and then upped the puppy eyes. "Please?"
She sighed. "Ok, fine. One kiss."

She leaned into to kiss my cheek but at last moment, I turned my head and my lips touched hers. Her eyes widened and she pulled away.

"Perry!" She exclaimed.
I laughed. "I love you, Pinky."
"Yea, yea, whatever..." She grumbled but I saw a tiny smile.

All our friends were in the room now and were clapping for us.

"So, human or animal?" She asked.
"Doesn't matter to me, as long as I get to be with you." I answered.
"Well, I'll miss fighting crime everyday..."

She turned to me and I saw we had the same smirk.


We laughed and then turned to Phineas. "We want to be platypuses again."
"Hey! I was a chihuahua! Don't turn me into a stinky platypus!"
"Or is it platypi?"

Ten years later

Pinky and I were lounging in my backyard tree. Today, we watched as Phineas almost let Isabella she was about to leave for college.

"Decided on what college you're going to?" Isabella asked.
"You know what? I just did." Phineas handed her a letter.
"Oh..." Her face dropped.
"What? Oh! Sorry, wrong letter!" He handed a different one and her face lit up.
"I guess I'll see you in two weeks." Isabella smiled.
"In two weeks." Phineas smiled back.

As Isabella drove off, I turned to my beautiful wife. "Remind you of something?"
"You mean when you let my heart break again and again? Definitely." Pinky teased.
"Well that...and ten years ago when we were like them. Confused teenagers?" I reminded her.
"What a nightmare. I wonder how they did it." Pinky smiled.
"Well, they are our owners. Of course they managed." I said.
"Do you regret it?" She suddenly asked.
"Regret what? Living a wonderful life with the chihuahua I love?" I asked.
"No I mean, not be human. Not being there for them when they needed it?" She asked.
"I never regret the time I spend with Phineas and Ferb. But I know I helped them, even as a platypus." I said.
"And you're ok with spending the rest of our short lives just sleeping on this tree?" Pinky asked.
"And getting to watch my boys and Isabella grow up to be fine young men and women? I'm always ok with that, even if our crime-fighting days are done." I smiled.
She grabbed my hand and smiled. "Good to hear, P."

Thank you for reading my "Platypus to Human" story^•^ I'm so thankful for all your views, comments, and likes. It makes me happy knowing that they're people who still love Phineas and Ferb even if the show is gone. But they'll always be in our hearts...or whatever lol
Please watch for new stories and remember to Carpe Diem😌

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