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Phineas and I had been out of it all week. No matter what Candace, Ferb, Buford, Baljeet or anyone says, we've just been staring at the tv, not saying a word.

"I'm worried. This isn't like Phineas at all. Ferb, maybe, but never Phineas." Candace whispered.

Luckily for me, my hearing was still the greatest and I could hear everything they were saying.

"Do you think he was hit by dull-and-boring inator?" Buford asked.
"No, dummy! Isabella broke up with Phineas and Pinky won't talk to Perry! Remember?" Baljeet said.

Phineas and I flinched when we heard this. Phineas must be really sensitive to anything that reminds him of Isabella. We had tacos for dinner the other day and he just sat there and cringed. Not that I was any better.

"Hey, P. Still out of it?" Lyla asked, coming in the house.

I didn't say anything and she just took my hand and stared at me, sadly. Just like all week. She's been here everyday and I haven't even said a word to her.

"Maybe we should bring them over here?" Buford asked.

Phineas and I didn't need any explanation on who they were talking about.

"No!" We shouted and jumped off the couch.

Candace shrieked and the three boys stared at us.

"Phineas? Ferb? Are you ok?" Ferb asked, walking towards us.

I looked at the red headed teen and was reminded of what had happened. We sighed and sat back down.

They all exhaled and looked worried again.

"Hey, are they still...?" Vanessa asked entering the house, followed by Monty.

Ferb flinched but tried to hide it as he saw Vanessa's hand intertwined with Monty's.

"Yea. They're still out of it." Candace answered, her chin in her hands.
"Phineas, Perry, maybe we should get..." Vanessa paused.
"Don't mention those two. These two will panic." Lyla said.
"This is stupid! Just tell them you want back!" Buford yelled, hitting his custom the counter.
"Buford." Baljeet hushed him.

The phone started ringing and Candace answered it.

"Hello?...Ms. Garcia-Shapiro?"

At the mention of Isabella and Pinky's surname, me and Phineas' heads turned quickly.

"What?...Really?...Oh ok I'll tell them...ok bye." Candace hung up.

"Guys, come here." Candace said.

Ferb, Buford, Baljeet, Lyla, Vanessa, and Monty crowded around her as she told them what had happened.

Because there was a sort of barrier around Candace, I couldn't really make out what they said. What I could make out was the distinct sounding of Isabella and Pinky.

Phineas' dull eyes bored into mine and we sighed. Those names were just too much more for us. Phineas had banned the color pink and bows so he would be be reminded more than he wanted to. I, on the other hand, had banned the only thing that reminded me of Pinky. Something so close to me but...it had to be done.

I gave my hat.

I'd also resigned from O.W.C.A. It hurt, but not as much as the pain from being deprived of someone so close to me that I'd gotten so used to.

Her stupid blonde hair, her gross sky blue eyes, her...ugly smile, her...annoying way of always...being there when I needed her...

Boy, would she be pissed when she found out. Monogram was upset but luckily, Monty was there to calm him down. I just can't focus on beating up some idiot 'evil' scientist when all I can think about is...her...

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