Finding Out

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"Ok! How does this sound? Popcorn and other snacks plus...wait for it! The Grievance 2!" Pinky exclaimed, excitedly.
"Did you forget that this was supposed to be a ruse so Vanessa would come over." I asked, not surprised at all.
"No, no. I remembered. I've got it all planned out!" She scoffed.
"Really?" I said.
"Yes! Have some faith in me, P!" She said.
"Ok fine. What's your plan." I asked.

"When the movie starts, I'll get Stacey and Candace to come with me to the kitchen. Stacey's a gossip so no way would she interfere with some juicy love story! Candace of course, wants her brother to be happy so she won't interfere either! It'll be dark so Vanessa won't notice Ferb come in and sit next to her. Then when she's scared, she'll jump into his lap, stare into his eyes, and realize that Ferb is the one for her!" Pinky swooned.

I raised my eyebrow. "Really? That's your plan?"
"It'll work! Don't worry!" Pinky said.

The doorbell rang and she squealed.

"Vanessa! Stacey! So glad you could make it!" She exclaimed, bringing them inside.
"No problem." Vanessa said.
"I heard from Candace that we're watching The Grievance 2?" Stacey said, her eyes shining.

"Stacey! Vanessa! Hey!" Candace waved, running down the stairs.
"Candace! I can't believe you got the grievance 2!" Stacey squealed and she and Candace jumped up and down.
"The Grievance was pretty cool. I don't mind watching the second one." Vanessa shrugged.
"Great! Have a seat! I'll start the movie! Candace, Stacey? Help me in the kitchen please!" Pinky said.

Candace, Stacey, and I followed Ponky to the kitchen while Vanessa sat down on the couch.

"This is gonna be great!" Stacey said, grabbing the bowl of popcorn.
"Sorry to disappoint, girls, but we're not watching the movie." Pinky said.
"Aww! Why?" Candace asked.
"Because of them." Pinky pointed to Ferb who had come down.

The room was dark so he didn't notice Vanessa there. All he could see was the tv playing a movie. He sat down on the other side of the couch, not looking over.

"What? Ferb? What about him?" Candace asked.
"Oh! I get it!" Stacey smirked and she high fived Pinky.
"Great, right?" Pinky said.
"Wait, what's great?" Candace asked.
"Come on, Candace! We're getting Ferb and Vanessa together!" Stacey explained.
"What?! Ferb?! And Vanessa?! They're three years apart!" Candace exclaimed.
"Shh! And that's not a problem! It'd be worse if they were like twenty years apart, right?" Pinky said.
"B-b-b-but..." Candace stuttered.
"No buts! We're staying here! Look you can still see the screen from here." Pink said.
"Oh fine. I...guess I don't mind. If Ferb likes her." Candace murmured.
"He does! Now shh!" Stacey said, grabbing some popcorn.

Pinky turned and winked at me.

"All according to plan!" She mouthed.

I rolled my eyes but smiled.

As the movie continued, there was barely a peep from Vanessa and Ferb. The only sounds were from the movie and Pinky trying to muffle Candace's and Stacey's screams.

Finally the movie ended and Pinky flipped on the lights.

"Why were guys over-Ferb?" Vanessa said, spotting Ferb.
"Vanessa?" Ferb said.
"Wasn't that a great movie? Why don't you guys grab some ice cream, we'll clean up!" Pinky said.
"Oh no it's ok. I don't mind-" Vanessa said.
"Oh no, I insist!" Pinky said.

"Hey, dummy! If they leave, how'll we get them together?" I whispered to her.
"Oh shoot!" Pinky said.

"Ok nevermind, Vanessa! Candace, Stacey! Come on! Let's talk about the movie!" Pinky said and plopped herself next to Vanessa.

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