Chapter 6: The Inaugural Ball (Part 1)

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Xavier came calling the next morning while I was taking my breakfast all by my lonesome self in my suite. Laughter from the other debutante suites echoed down the hallway, the only event that day being the inaugural ball. I recalled the same time last Season, when we'd spent the entire day preparing Ella for her entrance into society. The thought that I'd be announced as Lady Marks-Whelan set my stomach to twisting nervously in anticipation of my own entrance, but I had only to think of last night to calm it.

I blushed for the third time as I sipped my tea, Xavier prattling on about the men's events for the day.

"Are you quite all right?" he asked finally, his brows knit as he set down his toast.

"I'm fine," I replied a little too quickly. He searched my face, still frowning.

"You needn't worry about tonight, you know," Xavier said, "I won't leave you partnerless for the first dance."

"Why thank you for thinking so highly of your sister by inferring that she won't be able to secure her own partner," I joked, kicking his leg under the table. He jumped with a yelp, massaging his shin.

"With feet like that, your dance partner will be lucky to escape with all his toes intact," Xavier shot back, shaking his head with a grin. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Fear not, my clumsy feet can be forced to behave when it's required," I replied. The clock tower struck ten and Xavier jumped.

"My, is that the time? I must be going," he said, hastily dabbing his mouth with his napkin, "We're off riding this morning, although I daresay it's a peculiar activity for the morning of the inaugural ball."

A pang of jealousy shot through me as I glanced out the window. I would've given my right hand to go riding today. The leaves were starting to turn in the crisp, early autumn air and the sun was a hazy gold this morning. It was a lovely day to be outside.

"Do enjoy yourself for me. I believe I'm to be primped and polished all day," I said, making a face. Xavier laughed as he leaned down to kiss me on the head goodbye.

"You'll be the belle of the ball, clumsy feet and all," he said.

"Oh, you can count on it!" I called after him, as he disappeared out the door with a laugh. I slumped back in my chair, wistfully looking out the window to the bright blue sky and fiery leaves.

"If we may, miss, we should start with your bath so your hair has the time to dry," Brenna said, appearing in the bedroom doorway and dipping a curtsey.

"Yes, of course," I said, sighing as she ushered me away from the view.


I'd never felt that a day had been as wasted as the day of the inaugural ball. Once Brenna and Elspeth had bathed me and set my hair to curl it, I'd tried on at least a dozen and a half gowns, the maids fussing with accessories and debating hairstyles while I stared wistfully out the window. I had no desire to participate in their debate over which gown would bring out the richness of my hair or most advantageously flatter my figure. Brenna was dead set on an emerald one that left my shoulders bare, while Elspeth kept returning to a navy watered silk that shrank my waist via some optical illusion of the stitching.

Just as I was about to scream from frustration, cousin Annabelle paid a brief visit to preserve her own sanity. She bemoaned Ella's terrible choice in ladies-in-waiting, making a face at the curls they were trying to force upon her straight hair.

"I swear, if I hear 'oh but when Ella went to the inaugural ball...' one more time, I might scratch their eyes out," she'd sighed, dramatically throwing herself onto my love seat. I longed to commiserate with her, but Brenna refused to pause in her preparations.

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