Chapter 29: Pudding with the Prince

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Just when I thought I wouldn't be able to endure another second of Phillip Easton's bragging or Xavier and Georgina's quiet, tentative, conversation-less smiles, the king and queen rose and took their exit. I didn't spare a second before I leaped to my feet, willing Andrew's eyes towards me. My hasty rise, however, had drawn Thomas' eye and he offered me that trademark rakish grin as he helped Ashley out of her chair. He looked towards his brother, his lips moving as he said something. Ashley's face whipped around in my direction, murder in her eyes, as Andrew started to turn my way. He stopped, however, when Adelaide reached up to rest a hand on his arm, smiling sweetly up at him so he would help her from her chair.

I ground my teeth as she slid her arm into his, her face drawing far too close to my prince for my liking, that perfect, glittering grin still in place . I took a step towards them when Xavier cleared his throat beside me.

"I was hoping I could escort Georgina out," he said, giving me a pointed look before he looked towards the two other gentlemen at the table. Mr. Easton had apparently decided that only cousin Annabelle was worthy of his attention, but the pinched look on my cousin's face confirmed that the feeling was not mutual. Oliver Pendleton, horsey teeth and all, was awkwardly rocking back and forth on his heels, apparently waiting for me to stop staring towards the prince's table.

"May I escort you out, Elizabeth?" Oliver asked. I'd been polite enough with him through dinner, but my attention was alternately focused on Andrew and Xavier and I hadn't really listened to a word he'd said. I didn't dislike Oliver, but he was being a bit of a nuisance tonight, ceaselessly drawing me into his conversation and smiling at me from across the table.

"Of course," I said, trying not to sound as grudging as I felt.

We followed Xavier and Georgina out and I was hard-pressed to listen to whatever Oliver was prattling on about when we emerged into the hallway. Andrew and Thomas were near the far doors to the old palace, chatting with James as the debutantes and inductees parted ways.

"I'm so sorry, Oliver, but I must be going," I said, interrupting him as I pulled my arm from his. I dodged through the sea of debutantes and inductees, only to come up against my favourite palace butler.

"You should be returning to your room, miss," he said, still as sniffly as always.

"I need to have a word with the prince," I said, moving to dodge around him. Unfortunately, he must have learned a thing or two since our last encounter because he very successfully stepped in my way this time.

"I'm afraid I cannot permit that," he said, "By order of the queen."

The words shocked me so badly that I stopped my maneuvering and stared at him. He had a pleased little smile on his face, his nose, as always, tilted towards the sky.

"Well you must be a very important butler indeed to be getting orders directly from the queen," I said, "Give her my best regards, will you? And whatever happened to that handkerchief of mine? I would so love to have it back."

I turned on my heel, satisfied that I'd brought his haughty grin crashing down into a sneer. I followed the tide of debutantes back towards our wing, my teeth gnashing the entire time. Georgina fell in beside me, the pair of us marching wordlessly back towards our rooms until my friend broke the silence.

"She's only testing you, you know," she said quietly, Ashley's tinkling laugh pealing through the hallway as she stood and gossiped outside her door before curfew.

"Who? The queen? Ashley? Everyone in this bloody palace?" I managed through gritted teeth. Georgina made a face, linking arms with me as we hurried past Ashley.

"Sitting in a corner today, packing her trunks tomorrow," Ashley called archly after me, "Just watch, ladies, and you'll see exactly how to fall out of the prince's favour in a day."

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