Chapter 7: The Inaugural Ball (Part 2)

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"What are you doing?" I asked, as Thomas pulled my waist closer to him, preparing for the waltz.

"Breaking the rules," he grinned, leaning down to add in a whisper, "Besides, it's only fair for you to make him as jealous as he's making you."

I couldn't help but look over towards Andrew and Ashley, the other debutante's triumphant smile fading now that I was in the other prince's arms. Her words about Thomas that I'd overheard last Season came rushing back and I resented her even more for winning Andrew's first dance. She didn't much care whom she married, so long as there was a crown on her head.

My view was interrupted as the male inductees flooded the floor. Xavier paused as he spotted me, his eyebrows so high they'd nearly met his hairline. He shot me a warning look before hurrying off to secure himself a partner.

"Please at least pretend to be happy," Thomas prodded, circling his thumb along my waist while we waited for the other debutantes to secure partners, "I know a good many women who would kill for my first dance."

"Then perhaps you should have asked one of them," I said, squirming away from his over-familiar touch, "I daresay they'd enjoy being fondled much more than I am."

"Hmm you certainly are in a foul mood," he said, "Or perhaps you do enjoy being fondled by me, but you're confused because you're enamoured with my brother."

"Really, Thomas, what are you doing?" I asked, meeting his eyes this time. His rakish grin was in place and he was taking far too much pleasure from my reaction to his words.

"I'm stirring up trouble while doing my little sister a favour," he said, shooting a look to where James had asked Anne for her first dance. It was my turn for my eyebrows to lift, staring at the two of them. Cousin Ella would not be pleased, not one bit.

"How does dancing with me serve as a favour to Anne?" I asked as the music started and Thomas whisked us into the graceful twirls of the waltz.

"Whoever said dancing with you was the favour?" he laughed, "Though I must say I'm disappointed, I'd have thought that the debutante who caught my brother's eye would be clever."

I rolled my eyes, looking away from him. Andrew's green eyes flashed as he waltzed past us, turning his head around to keep them on me. I couldn't help but wince as I looked away. Judging by the shock on his face, he hadn't expected Thomas to be dancing with me.

"I do so love being insulted," I said, hating the satisfaction I felt at the look on Andrew's face. I hadn't quite come to terms with the fact he'd asked Ashley, the girl I hated most of all. The rational part of my mind screamed that the choice hadn't belonged to him, so perhaps Ashley was the lesser evil of all his potential partners. Then again, I'd made it abundantly clear last Season that Ashley was abominable, especially given the conversation I'd overheard in the ladies' room.

Ashley had made no secret that she was simply after the crown, not the man. Her words had been what had spurred me to attend last Season's masquerade despite all that I stood to lose if anyone found out. I'd failed in warning Andrew and I realized with a jolt that since then, I had never really told him what I'd overhead her saying about him. I desperately hoped that him choosing her was simply because she was one of his mother's choices. But try as I might not to take it personally, I was thoroughly rankled by his choice.

"How fortunate, considering that I deal in insults," Thomas fired back, only to lean his head down towards my ear again. I couldn't help the goosebumps that rose from his breath on my bare skin.

"I was supposed to dance with whomever Andrew didn't choose from mother's list. By picking you, I've not only annoyed my brother, but my mother as well. In case you hadn't noticed, the most eligible man here has chosen to dance with Adelaide Winters since I'd left her partnerless. James has gone ahead and asked Anne to dance to save some face since Anne should have been the first debutante to secure a partner. Like the scum he is, Dorian approached Adelaide first," Thomas explained, as we waltzed past Adelaide and Dorian Fletcher. The peerless Lady Winters was wearing a forced smile, not even looking at her partner, while Dorian face was as smug as ever.

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