Chapter 14: The Opera

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Thomas was a man of his word when he said he hadn't even started causing trouble yet.

Every moment I least expected, every moment that I finally allowed myself to relax against my chair and enjoy the opera was the exact moment Thomas chose to stroke my shoulder, or rub his knee against mine. Without fail, I leaned away from him every single time, sitting up straighter in my chair with my fan constantly at the ready if his wandering hands should wander any father than my shoulder.

In front of me, Andrew and Adelaide kept whispering together, her too perfect smile glittering in the reflection of the stage lights. I took small pleasure right before the intermission when Adelaide leaned over once again, whispering louder and louder until Andrew finally leaned her way to listen. The queen must have heard because she shot Adelaide an annoyed look that was very nearly as disapproving as the one she'd fixed on me earlier. Everything about Andrew's body language said that he was growing tired with Adelaide's constant whispering, leaning farther and farther away from her as the first and second acts dragged on.

At the intermission, whatever reprieve I'd been hoping for was not to be. Despite the fact I'd been on my feet the moment the house lights rose, Thomas had held me back so we could all parade out of the royal box behind the king and queen. I didn't miss Adelaide's glowing smile as she emerged on Andrew's arm, for all the other opera guests to see once again. Gaggles of nobles greeted the king and queen along with the crown prince, creating a gauntlet around Andrew, the monarchs, and Adelaide.

"This is the part when I'm largely ignored while everyone tries to curry favour with my father and brother," Thomas said, an edge of bitterness in his voice, "If you need me, I'll be ignoring them all over there, near the drinks."

He kissed my hand in parting before I could protest, leaving me very much alone in the sea of nobility. While I watched the crowd milling around the elders of the royal family, I couldn't help but feel a shred of pity for the man who'd just spent the better part of the first act deliberately teasing me with his over-familiar touch. He was right - while people clamoured for a word with Andrew or his father, Thomas was left largely alone, chatting with William Weatherington and his sister as he lounged by the bar.

Realizing I'd been standing in the same place for far too long, I scanned the crowd for any sign of Xavier. I'd hoped to catch him somewhere alone, but I needed to pressure him into making a move towards Georgina sooner rather than later for both of their sakes. At the very least, we could stand together and laugh at all these ridiculous intermission power games. As I moved towards the far side of the room, looking around for any trace of that Marks-Whelan auburn hair, my eyes caught a pair of green ones.

My heart nearly leaped from my chest as Andrew excused himself from his conversation, leaving Adelaide behind with a well-dressed trio of older noble ladies.

"How are you enjoying the opera?" he asked, taking my hand to kiss it. I squeezed his fingers before he released me, not wanting to let go despite the dozens of eyes that followed his every move.

"I'd much rather be sitting next to you," I replied. His eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled.

"You'd need much more than a fan to bat me away if we were sitting next to one another," he said, his green eyes glittering as they held mine. I opened my mouth to say something, but lost whatever words were making their way out as his gaze dropped to my lips.

We stood there silently, Andrew staring at my lips while I held my breath. I knew he would never dare to make such a move in such a public place, but the sheer fact he was thinking about it was enough to stop the air in my lungs.


The shrill voice broke the spell as Dulciana flounced up beside us, an older man with dark, Ardalonian features behind her.

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