Chapter 25: Choosing Allies

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I had my reservations about attending the rest of the ball when Xavier was so clearly upset, but a part of me also wanted to see exactly how Andrew planned to keep his word and make it clear that I was more than just his first dance recipient. Despite Thomas' best efforts to throw Ashley into William Weatherington's arms after their dance, she still managed to wriggle free and snag Andrew for a waltz. While it was torture to watch them together, I knew I had to come to terms with the fact that he would still be dancing with other debutantes and smiling politely while they attempted to flirt.

I did my best to view it as a character building experience, but I was still forced to tear my eyes away for a moment when Ashley batted her lashes up at him, biting her lip. It didn't help that she was yet again wearing a dress that was by no means modest. Most annoying of all, however, was the little waver I felt in my confidence while watching the two. No matter how much I repeated to myself that Andrew loved me and me alone, I still felt those tendrils of doubt creeping in even though he had done nothing to reciprocate Ashley's flirtation.

But my prince was not oblivious. Whether he had noticed my near escape earlier or if he was picking up on how miserable I must be feeling while watching him with other women, every time he caught me looking, he offered me a hint of that special smile. I couldn't help but keep one eye on him as I wandered the ballroom with Anne, keeping her company while she ate a dainty selection of ball fare, the two of us chatting about several of the new inductees I hadn't met yet.

When I wasn't watching Andrew, I was keeping my other watchful eye on the queen. As much as I wanted to be around to steal another dance with my prince, I was acutely aware that somewhere in the palace, my brother was suffering. The moment the queen left her throne, I'd make my escape no matter where Andrew was or what he was up to because I owed at least that much to Xavier.

There was a near constant tide of debutantes swirling around my prince, coalescing into a scrum between dances. Ashley was clearly reluctant to let go once their waltz ended, simpering up at him and even going so far as to give his arm a little tug towards the terrace doors. Upon witnessing that, I forced myself to look away yet again, feeling sick despite Andrew's polite laugh as he firmly extricated himself from her grasp. Just the thought of him wandering outside to the very same terrace he'd taken me to during last Season's masquerade was enough to set my teeth on edge.

"...even listening to a word I've said?" Anne said, waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked at her, trying desperately to remember what we'd been discussing before I'd been distracted by Ashley's flirtation.

"I'm sorry, I got lost in thought for a moment," I said. Anne smiled kindly, patting me on the arm.

"It'll get easier," she said, having followed my gaze. She gave a little jump when she looked towards the dancers, however, snatching up my arm and pulling me away.

"What's wrong?" I asked, throwing a look behind me but unable to determine who in the crowd we were fleeing from.

"I can't be around him right now, not if he's-" she whispered, only to be cut off as whoever she'd been trying to avoid caught up with us.

"Princess, if I may?"

I was the one to halt in my tracks because I knew that voice. When I stopped, Anne reluctantly followed suit, her back tensing as we turned to face James Amberly.

"Good evening James," I said when Anne said nothing.

"Good evening, Libby. You're looking splendid tonight," he said, offering me a little bow, "I was hoping to steal the princess away for a dance."

We both looked towards Anne who was staring resolutely at the marble floor. She seemed determined not to look at him, a flush creeping up her neck.

"I'm feeling rather tired at the moment, perhaps later," she said stiffly. My gaze hopped between the two of them, taking in the princess' ramrod straight posture and James' brow furrowed in dismay.

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