Chapter 36: Xavier's Benefactor

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When the royal fanfare blew at the ball that evening, Georgina was beside me as she had been since we'd arrived. We'd grazed at the buffet table and kept mainly to ourselves, Georgina just as disinterested in the other inductees as I was. When the royal siblings appeared behind the king and queen, she took my hand in a subtle gesture of support.

We waited at the edge of the dance floor, Georgina's fingers warm around mine, hidden in the folds of our silk dresses as Andrew descended the steps. I couldn't help but look at him, a sharp pang of longing lodging in my gut. I reminded myself that this was the price for my freedom, that I was the one who had asked for this, but when his eyes met mine for only the briefest of moments before he turned and bowed to Dulciana, it still felt like a knife to the gut. It didn't help that the jewel-bedecked princess shot me an arch look over Andrew's shoulder as she swept herself into his arms.

I forced myself to breathe, closing my eyes to focus instead on Georgina's hand. It seemed to be the only thing tethering me in place while all the dark demons crawled out from their caves in my head. I'd been warned that Andrew would ignore me and at least he'd listened to my request not to give his first dance to Ashley. But as I watched him chat politely with Dulciana, something within me screamed in protest.

"Let's not forget to breathe, shall we?"

Georgina had sunk into a curtsey while my eyes snapped open to see Thomas standing before me, that supremely amused look on his face as he cocked an eyebrow. I curtseyed a beat too late, but he was lifting me out of it as the music started.

"I'd congratulate you on your excellent acting skills, but I daresay none of that was pretend, was it?" Thomas asked, twirling me.

"What am I supposed to say? That I'm happy he's in the arms of someone I'm sure your parents would much prefer over- me?" I demanded. Thomas's eyes sparkled with laughter, but he kept it muffled under the tight smile on his face.

"I don't think you realize how close to the mark you've hit," Thomas said, shooting a look over my shoulder towards the thrones. When we spun and I was facing them, I realized that the king's eyes were on me for the first time all Season. If I'd thought the queen's glare was icy, the king's look was even more forbidding. His face was a stern, square-jawed mask, probably just as unreadable up close as it was from this distance. Before Thomas turned me away, the king leaned down to the queen, saying something to her while he watched me. Her blue eyes flicked to me, before she looked away, clearing saying something dismissive.

I was thankful I'd turned away so I didn't have to endure the king's gaze any longer.

"Are you intentionally being cryptic or are you trying to cause more trouble?" I asked, uneasiness settling over me like a thick woolen blanket.

"You didn't honestly think your request would have no repercussions, did you?" Thomas asked, pulling my gaze back to his.

"I'm not dancing with Andrew, I think that's enough of a repercussion," I said, hating the petulance in my tone.

"Oh you little fool," Thomas laughed darkly, "Didn't you realize what mother was having you research?"

I blinked at him, wondering what on Earth foreign trade and war treaties had to do with anything. At my blank look, Thomas shook his head in annoyance.

"Never mind," he said, looking away, "But do yourself a favour and try not to flirt too much tonight. He might be acting, but Andrew is just as upset about this as you are. You'd be wise not to expand the distance between you by seeming like you're enjoying yourself."

"And I'm supposed to be fine that he's flirting with all his dance partners?" I fired back, my annoyance rising. But Thomas had no time for my emotions, it seemed. He fixed me with that same icy glare he'd used earlier when he'd spoken of Dorian luring me away.

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