Chapter 44: Sapphires and Diamonds

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Andrew's hand remained firmly around mine as he drew me up next to Adelaide. The blonde was studiously ignoring me, her smile still in place despite her rigid spine. Beside her, however, the Ardalonian princess was glaring daggers my way. Dulciana's ruby-encrusted tiara was quivering as she struggled to contain her visible rage. I ignored her as best I could, but the herald's voice was little more than a background din against the thundering of my heart.

I must have gone rigid because Andrew's fingers gave mine a little squeeze. Even though he'd released the other two as soon as they'd climbed the dais, he still held my hand tight, showing no signs of imminent release. Rather than face down the room of dumbstruck debutantes and whispering nobles, I chose instead to focus on the feel of my prince's fingers between mine, anchoring me in place. His presence beside me was calm and steadying despite the whirlwind of thoughts in my head. Most of all, however, his presence beside me meant that I was finally safe: safe from my parents and their desperate, safe from Dorian and his plotting, safe from the world that kept trying to come between us.

There was a scuffle near the back of the ballroom as a pair of footmen carried the still unconscious Dorian Fletcher out the rear doors. I couldn't help but purse my lips to hide my grin as I pictured his head snapping backwards thanks to James' fist. Lord Amberly was still standing just behind the debutantes, watching Andrew and I with a relieved smile as he flexed and clenched his punching fist. Ahead of him, the debutantes were exchanging startled looks and whispers, Georgina the only one among them wearing a smile. When out eyes met, I gave her a weak smile in return. Cousin Annabelle was studiously ignoring me, staring straight down at the marble floor with a shellshocked look of incredulity on her face.

She startled as the herald's voice rose with his last few words, the entire ballroom before us sank into reverences. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of an entire ballroom bowing to the likes of me, the urge to squirm and fidget almost overwhelming until Andrew's fingers gave mine yet another reassuring squeeze. I supposed I would have to get accustomed to curtseys and bows, but for someone who still found it uncomfortable for her own maids to curtsey in greeting, it was utterly nerve-wracking for a room full of the highest ranking nobility to sink before me. I was too busy gaping at the bowing nobles that I hadn't noticed Anne, Adelaide, and Dulciana filing out behind the king and queen. Andrew gave my hand another gentle squeeze, nodding for me to follow. Swallowing, I turned my back on the ballroom and allowed him to lead me into the old palace.

He paused just inside the doors, the others already making their way down the dark, wood-panelled hallway. Once the doors had closed and we were out of sight of the ballroom, he tugged me towards him, wrapping his arms around me. I couldn't help but sag with with relief in his arms, breathing in the heady scent of his cologne as he buried his face into my hair. This was where I wanted to stay, I told myself, no matter the price. I would put up with anything and bear any punishment willingly if it meant having Andrew beside me.

"Are you all right?" he asked, his arms tight around me as if he'd never let me go. I couldn't help but nestle into the place under his chin I thought of as mine, a great weight thrown off my shoulders now that I was back in his arms.

"Yes," I said weakly, earning a sigh of relief. But our moment did not last long.

"What is the meaning of this?" the King demanded, his voice tearing the two of us apart. The others from the dais had stopped their advance down the hallway, the king instead stalking back towards us with Dulciana at his heels.

"I consider this a great offense!" the princess snapped, her dark eyes filled with hatred as she brandished a well-manicured finger at me. Even though he'd released me at the king's outburst, Andrew reached for my hand, seizing my fingers in a decisive gesture before the pair of them.

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