Chapter 17: Pudding for Breakfast

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By the time we'd made it to Boughton, my stomach was grumbling and I'd removed my cloak, the sun chasing away the last of the morning's chill. The locals stopped to watch as we approached, a circle of them gathered near the centre of the small farming village, around a modest looking house with a baker's sign hung over the doorway.

"Good morning, your Highness!" a fat, older man said as Andrew swung down from his horse. The man waddled over to shake the prince's hand and I noticed that he was by far the most finely dressed person in the square. He prattled on about what an honour it was to host the prince while the villagers eyed me with curiosity as I slid down off Juniper's back. I took a few steps to stretch my legs out after the morning's ride, offering a grin to the circle of villagers. They seemed to be watching us warily, their eyes flickering between Andrew and the fat man I guessed to be their mayor or ranking noble. Spotting a pair of children, I smiled in earnest at them, only for them to cower back behind their mother's skirts.

"Shall we, Libby?"

I hadn't realized Andrew had been speaking to me until I turned to see him stretching a hand out towards me. The fat man seemed displeased that I hadn't been focused on whatever blustery greeting he'd been reciting. I decided right then that I didn't much care for him.

"Of course," I replied automatically, taking Andrew's hand. The fat man led us towards the bakery, where an older couple opened the door for us.

"We've prepared a selection for you, your Highness," the baker said, offering a bow as he hurried behind the counter. His wife followed him and I didn't miss the wary way she kept her eyes on the fat man.

"I highly recommend the treacle tart," the fat man blustered, pointing at the farthest slide of pie. It was by far the most boring of the selection before us, nothing more than a plain looking sugar pie that Andrew had told me the village was renowned for.

"But we've also prepared a variety of new pies," the baker added, ignoring the fat man as he gestured towards the opposite side of the counter.

"They're from our son's berry farm, your Highness," the baker's wife put in, only to get a glare from the fat man.

"Is this crust different than the rest?" I asked, as Andrew gestured for me to peruse the pies.

"Yes, my lady," the baker said, "It's a blueberry pie with a chocolate crust."

"That sounds delicious," Andrew said, handing me a fork and gesturing for me to try it. I hesitated, but when my stomach growled he laughed and cut me a piece with his own fork so he could feed it to me. It was indeed the most delicious pie I'd ever tasted, the hint of chocolate in the crust complimenting the sweet, tart blueberry filling.

"Well your expression says enough," Andrew grinned, cutting himself a piece, "I have to try it now."

Behind him, the fat man bristled that the first pie he'd tried wasn't the treacle tart.

"That was the most amazing pie I've ever eaten," I said, once I'd chewed and swallowed my food like a proper lady. The baker bowed while his wife flushed, a grin tugging at her cheeks. Unashamed now, I scanned the rest of the samples.

"Is this strawberry?" I asked, as Andrew rested a hand on my back, leaning in to look over my shoulder.

"Strawberry rhubarb, my lady. My wife grows the rhubarb in our herb garden," the baker said. I tried a piece and yet again was rendered speechless, turning towards Andrew with wide eyes.

"Congratulations, sir, you've impressed one of the most discerning palates in the palace," Andrew said, winking at me as he smiled at the baker, "Now this one looks interesting, are those blackberries?"

"It's mixed berry, your Highness," the baker said, unable to fight his smile. Andrew cut a piece from the mixed berry pie, once again holding out his fork for me to taste it. Just as I was leaning forward to take a bite, the fat man barked a cough, startling the pair of us. Andrew's hand jumped and the pie mashed itself against my face, leaving a gooey smear of mixed berry filling across my cheek.

"I must insist you try the treacle tart," the fat man said, coming up next to us only to pale as he realized that his cough had gotten pie all over my face.

Without a second's hesitation, I pushed the fork back to mash the remnants of the pie into Andrew's face, my eyes glittering with mischief. The baker and his wife had also gone still, their widened eyes awaiting the prince's reaction. The fat man's jaw popped open and I shot him a troublemaking grin.

Andrew burst out laughing, wiping the pie from his face with his free hand as he set down the fork.

"Not so fast," he said, grabbing my chin. I laughed despite myself, batting his hands away as he tried to give me a matching pie smear on the opposite cheek.

"Your Highness, I'm so-!" the fat man started, wringing his hands. Andrew waved him off, still holding my chin in his hand as he laughed. When our eyes met I couldn't help but lean towards him before I remembered myself and stopped. His eyes had dropped to my lips before the baker cleared his throat, extending a damp handkerchief our way.

"My apologies, your Highness, but the berry tends to stain," he said, glancing down to where some of the pie from Andrew's fork had fallen onto his collar. Andrew released my chin and I couldn't stop my giggles as he gratefully accepted the handkerchief. He struggled, pulling his head back and giving himself a dreadful double chin as he tried to see where the pie had landed on his collar.

"Here, let me," I laughed, taking the handkerchief from him and attempting to dab away the purple stain.

"Our first stop and you've already ruined my shirt," Andrew said. When I looked up at him, my heart swelled anew when his green eyes danced with laughter.

"You came between me and my food," I shrugged, grinning as I glanced back at the baker, "I can't really be blamed since these are easily the best pies in the kingdom."

"I wholeheartedly agree," Andrew said, looking over at the baker as well, "I'd very much like it if you could send us some at the palace."

The baker bowed, flushing with pleasure. His wife's grin finally split her face as she curtseyed to the pair of us, her eyes lingering on me.

"Of course, your Highness! Which kind do you prefer?" the baker said, barely able to keep the pleasure from his face. Andrew looked over at me for an answer. 

"All of them," I said instantly. The baker exchanged a look with his wife, who nodded at him.

"It would be an honour," the baker said, bowing as Andrew returned his handkerchief.

When Andrew reached for my hand to leave, I couldn't resist cutting one last piece of the chocolate and blueberry pie before we left. I didn't miss the way the fat man's face soured when he realized we'd left the treacle tart untouched. As we left the bakery, he blustered on about how much the village valued Andrew's visits and that they hoped he'd return soon. When he glanced down at Andrew's ruined collar, I had to cover my giggle with a cough. Andrew gave my hand a squeeze, saying something equally flowery and gracious back to the fat man before we were left to remount our horses. Andrew walked me around to Juniper's other side, preparing to help me climb into the saddle.

"As delicious as you look, let's clean you up before we head to Castlerock," Andrew said, stopping me before I remounted. He leaned towards me, kissing my pie-laden cheek, the two of us shielded from the others by Juniper's back. It was all I could do not to turn my face to meet his lips, my skin tingling where his lips had touched. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, gently wiping the remnants of the pie from my face. 

"Your turn," I said, taking the handkerchief from him and kissing his chin, wiping away the mixed berry smear.

"You have no idea how much I love you," he said, watching me.

"Almost as much as I love that pie?" I asked, winking at him before he offered me a hand up into Juniper's saddle.

Once I was settled, I looked around once more while Andrew climbed atop his stallion. In the window of the bakery, right next to where Andrew had kissed me behind Juniper's back, the baker's wife was watching us, smiling.

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