Chapter 4

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This chapter kind of sucked but ok.


"Slow down before you choke," Reese said staring at me from the other side of the booth. He had brought me to Waffle House, and once I started eating, I couldn't stop. I was like a human vacuum, sucking in everything I could.

That sounded inappropriate. Nasty, girl.

"Sorry, I'm just really hungry," I said, not looking up from my plate.

I stuffed another piece of waffle in my mouth and moaned from the taste. Jesus what do they put in these things.

Reese was quiet as he watched me. Almost like he was studying me, you could say. Most girls would be embarrassed eating the way I was, but I just didn't care. He wasn't my boyfriend or anything. He was just a boy. Who I was attracted too.

"Are you eating properly at home? Are your parents feeding you? Talk to me Chloe," Reese said reaching over and touching my hands with his. What?

"What of course I'm eating at home. Yes my parents feed me idiot, I just went to sleep without dinner last night and skipped breakfast this morning," I said wiping my mouth on a napkin and pushing my empty plate away from me.

"You're not starving yourself are you? Your body is amazing you don't need to do that," Reese said smiling at me.

He thought my body was amazing. He looked at my body. Butterflies erupted in my belly and my heart started beating out of control. Good Lord Chloe, you're acting like he said you were the sexiest thing alive.

I wiped my hands on my pants and licked my lips. They felt dry.

"No, I'm not starving myself Reese," I said. He nodded and relaxed in his seat.

"So, tell me something about yourself," he said placing both his hands on the table.

"I hate humans."

The bell signaling someone else entering rung over our heads and throughout the restaurant

His laugh was like velvet in my ears. It was beautiful. Perfect. I stared as his eyes crinkled on the side and his pearly white teeth made themselves visible.

" No, but seriously, I enjoy playing volleyball. Its one of the things that keep me sane on this planet. That and my cigarettes," I said picking the dirt form the bottom of my nails.

He was silent for awhile. "You smoke?" His voice was off, but I didn't look up.

I nodded, continuing to pick my nails. "Yea."

Silence again.

"So are you going to tell me something about you or are we going to continue to sit in freaking silence," I said finally looking up at him. He was looking at something behind me. I turned in my seat to see some guys sitting about 3 seats behind us, staring.

Did Reese know these people?

"Reese?" I said touching his hand. His eyes snapped to mine. They didn't look the same as when he was laughing. Now they looked horrified. "What's the matter?"

He continued to look at me and the guys, switching his gazes quickly. I looked at the guys again to see one of them smiling. He looked at me and made little makeshift guns with his hand, similar to the ones Chloe made the other day, directly at me. I froze.

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