Chapter 19

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"So, Reese, what do you plan to do after high school?" My mom asked, pilling food on her plate.

Reese's hands twitched in mine.

"Um, I was actually going to pursue my dream as an agent," he said as i passed him the bowl of salad.

He watched my parents intently. Probably waiting for them to criticize him about not going to college and telling him not to ever speak to me again. I smiled as i looked down at my plate. My parents were nothing like that.

"Really? Thats so exciting!" My mom said picking up her fork.

Reese smiled at her and squeezed my hand under the table. My daddy didn't say anything but i could tell that he was impressed.

"How do your parents feel about that?"

Reese tensed up and instantly released my hand. Me and Reese never talked about his parents. Matter of fact i've never even thought about his parents. Until now.

"Um. Both of my parents are dead."

The table got silent. I didn't know that myself. I looked over at Reese to see him looking at his plate. He was hurting. I found his hand under the table again and when he tried to pull away, I held on tighter.

He looked at me, pain clear as day in his eyes. I gave him a smile, letting him know that it didn't matter. That I was still here.

He tightened his hand in mine again and picked up his fork.

"So, back to being an agent."

The conversation switched over quickly, which i was grateful. Thanks Mom.

All of the tension from the table quickly disappeared and we were once again all smiles. Reese's body relaxed and his words were less tense. My dad even added in a couple of sentences to ease the table a little. I could tell he meant every word though. He liked Reese. I knew it.

I watched my boyfriend talk about his profession with nothing but joy in his eyes. He let go of my hand every now and then because he would get so into his conversation that he would start making hand motions but whenever he finished he would quickly lace his fingers back through mine. I loved that.

When we finished dinner, and mom had excused herself to get dessert, my dad spoke up.

"Reese, I like you. I just dont like what you've done. If you can promise me one thing then you'll be alright in my books."

Reese nodded his head thoughtfully.

"Never hurt my daughter again."

Reese let a smile cover his face as the back of his thumb rubbed the skin on my hand.

"I wasn't planning too."

My dad smiled then and offered his hand to Reese.

"I'll miss you," i said leaning against the front door. Dinner had went amazing and now I was walking Reese to the car.

"I'll miss you more, but i agree with your mom. You need to go do your work."

I cringed and glared at him.

"Whats up with you and my moms little alliance against me?" I asked sticking my finger into his chest.

He took it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on it.

"We both want whats best for you is all baby. No alliance."

"What're you about to do?" I asked as he wrapped me in his arms. He kissed both my cheeks, and my nose, and my forehead.

" Going to my brothers home, to see if they can trace the text message Moon sent, so we can know exactly where he is."

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