Chapter 6

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~ Riley's POV~

"Hey kiddos! How was your date?" I ask, waggling my eyebrows at them and teasing them as they walk through the door. 

"We aren't kids! And our date was amazing. Huh, Ali?" Toby says, turning to Alison as he says that last part.

"Yes, it was." She says giving Toby a peck on the lips, then she turns back to face me, and says, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Um, no. But what was that kiss all about?" I ask, the shock finally leaving my face.

"Oh, sorry. I guess we forgot to mention that i'm Toby's girlfriend. Didn't we Toby?" She says.

"You are?! CONNIE! GET IN HERE!" I can't wait to tell Connor. We can tease them all the time now.

"WHAT?! What's wrong? Did Toby die?" Connor yells as he runs into the room.

"Um, no i'm right here, and i'm fine." Toby says.

"Then why did you scream my name?" Connor asks, giving me a questioning look.

"I thought I should tell you, that our little brother is all grown up and has a girlfriend." I say, starting to  cry. Connor starts to fake cry too.

"Aww, Tobes! You have a girlfriend?" Connor asks.

"Yes, they have already kissed too! They kissed right in front of me!" I say answering Connor, before Toby can. 

"You what? Toby, you're too young to date or kiss!" Connor says messing with Toby, and acting like he's our parents.

"Well that's just too bad, because i'm not breaking up with her." Toby says, playing along with Connor.

"You guys are so weird." Alison says. "Anyway," She continues, "Riley, I need to talk to you privately." Toby looks at her questioningly, but she waves him off.

"Um okay, we can go up to my room." I say, wondering what she needs to talk to me about. Toby shoots me a look, and I say, "Dude chill, I'm not going to try anything." We walk upstairs, and into my room. "So, what do you need to talk to me about?" I ask her.

"Do you like Chelise? I saw the way you were looking at her yesterday at my house." She asks me. Crap, was I that obvious? "No, you weren't that obvious, but I could just tell." She says.

"I said that out loud, didn't I?" I ask.

"Yeah, you did. So, do you?" She asks, raising her eyebrows at me.

"Yes, I do. I'm worried she doesn't like me, though." I say.

"She does, that's why I'm talking to you about it. She asked me if I could find out if you like her or not. So, since you do, ask her out on a date." She says. Then continues, "Everyone is coming over to my house again tonight, so ask her then. Take a walk with her or something, then ask. I don't care how you ask, just ask."

"What if she says no? Then what do I do?" I ask.

"She won't say no, who could turn someone like you down? You're awesome! You're cute, funny, and much more, so how could she ever turn you down? Oh, and this conversation doesn't leave this room. She doesn't want anyone else to know." She says.

"Alright, thanks. I will ask her if she will go on a date with me tomorrow. If she says no, then you are the one that's going to have to deal with my bad mood from it." I say, pointing a finger at her, when I say the last part. She chuckles, then says, "Alright, that's fine with me!"

We walk downstairs, and Toby and Connor are just sitting on the couch. "Alright, well Toby, I'm going home now. You can come too, if you want." Alison says. Toby jumps up off the couch and walks over to Alison. He takes her hand, and she takes his 'TM' snapback, and puts it on her head. "Aww!" Me and Connor say at the same time. "Oh shut up." Alison says, then gives Toby a kiss. Then they walk out the door, and I say to Connor, "We seriously need girlfriends, dude."

~Alison's POV~

We walk through my front door, and my little sister jumps up off the couch and runs over to us, yelling,"TOBY!!" 

"Hey Maddie, how are you doing?" Toby asks her, being the sweetheart he is.

"Better now that you're here." She says sucking up to him. She has always liked him ever since I showed her Before You Exit.

"God Maddie, go talk to you''re own boyfriend. Oh, and while your at it, stay away from mine!" I yell at her, she's really getting on my nerves. She turns and runs up the stairs. I turn to Toby and say,  "Sorry, I just acted like a total bitch. She just really gets on my last nerve. Having a little sister is worse than you could ever imagine. I am going to have to talk to her about doing that to you every time you come over. When I first showed her the band, she instantly fell in love with you. So, sorry about when she does that."

"Its fine, I love you no matter what you do, or what you act like."  He says. I don't fully register what he says at first, then I say, "Y-you love me?"

"Yes, I know we just met, but I feel like i've known you my whole life. I truly do love you." He says, giving me a passionate kiss. I just let him kiss me at first, but then I started kissing him back, then we heard,"Woah, get a room you two!!" My brother yells. We pull apart, and I whisper, "I love you too." Giving him one more peck on the lips. I turn to my brother and say, "Tyler, i'm going to invite everyone over tonight, to have a movie night." 

"Alright, whatever." He says, I knew he wouldn't care. 

"I'm going to go change, then we can go get Ashlynn, Chelise, Colin, and Jake." I say, grabbing Toby's hand and dragging him up the stairs, and into my room. 

"I haven't been in your room yet." He says, sitting on the bed and taking a look around at the pictures I have up of me and Ashlynn.

"Don't get too excited. Its nothing to get too excited over. I'm going to go change in the bathroom." I say, pecking his lips. I walk to my walk in closet, and pick out an outfit. I head to the bathroom, and strip of my dress. I change into my turquoise blue skinny jeans, my t-shirt that says 'I am not weird I am limited edition', and my black Toms. I pull my hair up into a pony tail, and re-apply my mascara. I walk back out to my bed to see Toby on his phone. "Hey, i'm ready now." I say to him. 

"Wow babe, you look hot. Lets take a picture on Instagram." He says, and I roll my eyes. We both smile and he puts his arm around my waist and takes the picture. Then we take one while kissing. "Perfect!"  He says. Then he stands up and pulls me off my bed. We walk downstairs, and out the front door. We walk across the street, and knock on Ashlynn's door.

"Hey Alison!" Ashlynn's mom answers, greeting me with a warm smile and a hug.

"Hi Mrs. Rich! Are Ashlynn, Jake, Colin, and Chelise home?" I ask politely.

"Yes, they are, hold on i'll get them. You guys can come on in, while you wait." She says.

"Thank you Mrs. Rich!" I say, before she walked out of the room. A few minutes later, Ashlynn, Chelise, Jake, and Colin walk into the room. "Hey guys! Do you want to come over for a movie night?" I ask.

"Yeah!" They all say at the same time. They tell their mom they are leaving, then we walk over to Toby's. We just walk right in, Connor and Riley are sitting on the couch. "Hey!" We all say at the same time. "Do you want to come over for a movie night?" I ask.

"Yeah!" Riley says, jumping up excitedly from the couch. I smile at him, being the only one knowing why he's so excited. We all walk back over to my house, to see Tyler, Nina, Maddie, and my sister's boyfriend, Ryan, watching TV. "Hey guys, we are having a movie night. Y'all can pick out the movie, while Toby and I pop some popcorn." I say. We head towards the kitchen, then I get the box of popcorn out of the pantry. "How many bags do you think we need?" I ask Toby.

"Probably at least four." He says.

"Alright, well this is going to take a while." I say sighing. Eventually, we get all the popcorn popped, and put into a few separate bowls. We walk back into the living room, and hand everyone their bowls. I see Riley sitting next to Chelise on the floor and smile. Then me and Toby go sit in the love seat. As the movie starts Toby whispers in my ear, "I love you so much." I snuggle up to his chest, and mumble back,"I love you too." 


How is it? I stayed up til midnight typing it. Please vote, comment, and share! Love y'all! ~Alison

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