Chapter 7

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~Alison's POV~

 I wake up to find that i'm in my own bed. Toby must have carried me up, because I know Tyler wouldn't have. I sit up and look at the clock, it's noon. I wonder if Toby is up? I look over to my nightstand to see my phone laying there. Toby must have brought that up too. I pull the covers back and get out of bed. I go into my bathroom and strip out of my clothes from yesterday, then step in the shower. I let the warm water just wash over my body for a few minutes and relax. I think about everything that has been going on lately. I still can't believe I am Toby's girlfriend. I finish washing my body, then get out. I wrap a towel around my head and another one around my body. I walk into my huge closet and pick out a tank top with an anchor on it, white shorts, and my pair grey vans. I walk back into the bathroom and blow my hair dry. I straighten my hair, then I put some eyeliner, mascara,and light eyeshadow on. I walk into my bedroom, and pick a few bracelets out of my jewelry box. I grab my phone and check the time again, and it's one. I walk downstairs and make some toast with nutella. I text Toby saying, "Wanna hang in a while?"

He almost instantly texts back saying, "Sure, how about now though?"

"That's fine with me, mine or yours?" I reply.

"Well, Riley and Connor are here. I think yours." He says.

"Alright, just come on in when you get over here." I say smiling to myself. I finish my toast, and put my plate in the dishwasher. Then I hear someone yell,"HERE!" 

"Jesus Toby, do you have to scream that loud?" I ask acting like i'm irritated at him.

"I'm sorry babe." He says come up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. He kisses my cheek, then puts his head on my shoulder.

"It's ok, but you did know I was kidding, right?" I say giggling. "Let's go upstairs." I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him up the stairs with me. 

"Are we supposed to be up here alone?" He asks. 

"Eh, I don't think it really matters." I say. We go sit on my bed, then I say."What do you want to do?"

"Wanna get Starbucks, then kind of just walk around?" He asks. This boy and his Starbucks.

"Sure. Let me grab my wallet." I say. "Alright, let's go." I say, walking downstairs and out the front door. We walk to Starbucks, holding hands. We get to Starbucks in about ten minutes. We walk up to counter, and the barista asks us what we want. I get a non-fat vanilla bean frappe, and Toby gets his usual peppy mocha. Once we got our drinks, we walk out and head to the park. We go and sit under the same tree I took him to the other night.

"You know, whenever we need to just relax we should come to this tree. This can be like our meeting place. We will know where to find one another if no one else can." I say, intertwining our fingers.

"Deal." He says giving me a kiss. Suddenly my phone rings, "Mom?" I answer in disbelief. 

"Honey, I have bad news." She says in a sad tone.

"Wh-what is it?" I ask, standing up and turning away from Toby.

"I just got a call from Grammy, Sydney has been diagnosed with brain cancer." I immediately fall to the ground in a heap, and start sobbing uncontrollably. I feel Toby come and put his arms around me. "Ho-how long d-does she h-have?" I ask my mom, who is now crying too.

"The doctors say only 15 more months." She says, sniffling.

I start crying even harder if that's possible, then I say, "This isn't fair! She is only 6!" I realize I am yelling, and talk a little quieter. I say,"I have to go see her. You have to fly me out there, like as soon as possible."

"I am buying you a ticket for a flight tomorrow at 9:30 am. I will tell your grandparents that your coming, so they can pick you up at the airport." She says.

"Okay, but I need you to get a ticket for Toby too please." I say, because I need him to be there with me.

"Okay sweetie, I can do that for you." She says.

"Thank you so much mom! I love you!" I say.

"What's wrong?!" Toby asks, worriedly.

"M-my cousin just g-got diagnosed with c-cancer," I say, starting  to sob again. I bury my head into his chest. "I n-need to go home, w-we need to talk." I say.

"Alright, i'll call Riley." He says. A few minutes later, Riley pulls up. We get in the car, and Toby says, "Riley, drive to her house. NOW!" He says, holding me in his arms.

"Um, ok then." Riley says, as he drives off. We get to my house in about 2 minutes. Riley pulls into my driveway, and Toby carries me in the house bridal style. He sets me on the couch, and I yell,"TYLER! MADISON! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" Tyler and Maddie almost immediately run down the stairs.

"Whats wrong? Why are you crying?" Tyler asks frantically.

"Mom j-just called me. Sydney just g-got diagnosed with brain cancer." I say, sniffling.

"W-what?" They both say at the same time.

"Yeah, i'm flying out to Indiana tomorrow and staying with Grammy and Gramps for 2 weeks. I also asked if Toby could come along." I say, and Toby looks at me with a shocked face. "Can you ask if you can go along? It would really help me if you are there with me." I say.

"Alright, I'll ask." He says, and I smile at him. We sit on the couch for about an hour. Toby just held me and kissed my head every few minutes. We eventually get up, and Toby leaves. I go upstairs and start packing. It takes me about an hour and a half to pack all my things. When I finish, I decide to go eat something. When I finish eating, I get a text from Toby saying he can go with me. I thank god in my head, then text him back saying,"That's great, I will really need your support. Be at my house at 8 am tomorrow, my brother will drive us to Boise."

He immediately says back,"I will do anything I need to, to help you get through this. I love you!"

I smile, and say back "I love you too! See you tomorrow." I go back up to my room, and decide to just go to bed early.

I wake up to my alarm going off at 7:15. I have 45 minutes to get ready before Toby gets here. I walk into my bathroom, turn the shower on, get undressed, and get in the shower. After I finish, I get out and get dressed in some sweats and a t-shirt from last years swim team. I decide to not put any makeup on, and to just put my hair in a messy bun. I finish getting ready a little early, so I get my suitcase and drag it to the front door, then I go wake up Tyler. I hear a knock on the door, and go let Toby in. He wraps me in a hug and says, "Hey, how you holdin up?"

I just shrug and stand there with my head on his chest. He kisses my head, then says,"Well, lets go put our luggage in your brothers car."

"Okay, then can we just sit on the couch and cuddle while we wait for my brother?" I ask him as he picks up our suitcases, and starts walking towards the garage.

"Sure, whatever you want to do." He says.

"You are seriously the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. Thank you for carrying my suitcase." I say to him.

"Your welcome, and I am? Thanks." He says turning to me and giving me a kiss, after he closes the trunk. I intertwine our fingers, and we walk back into the house. We go sit on the couch and just sit there. I lay my head on his chest again, and he plays with my hair. My brother walks down a few minutes later, and says,"Are you guys ready?"

"Yeah." We both say at the same time.

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