Chapter 11

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*Alison's POV*

Last night Toby took me to the park for a surprise picnic. It was all so perfect. He never ceases to amaze me. I'm glad everything is back to normal with us. I was starting to miss him. Well, enough about last night, I have serious things to talk about with Toby.

I get up from where I am sitting at the kitchen table, and put my bowl that use to hold Fruit Loops in the sink. I run up to my bedroom and throw on some athletic shorts and a random t-shirt. I put on a pair of black flip flops from my closet and grab my house key and phone from my bedside table and go downstairs. I tell Tyler that I am going out and he just nods. I walk out the front door and start walking toward Toby's house, but hesitate. I suddenly turn and run across the street to Ashlynn's. I remembered that I forgot to tell her about last night. I knock on her door, not sure if she is home or not, and she answers it a few minutes later.

"Hey girl!" I say while giving her a hug and walking through the front door.

"Hey! What's up?" She says with a questioning look on her face.

"I have things to tell you!" I say maybe a little too excitedly.

"Uh, alright. Well we should probably go upstairs because my parents are in the living room." I nod and we walk up the stairs to her bedroom. We both jump on her bed like 5 year olds. "Okay, what did you want to tell me?"

"Okay, so you know how Toby and I haven't really been able to talk lately?" She nods and I continue, "Well, he completely made up for it last night."

"How?" She says.

"Well, first he came over around 11 am and he had a pink rose and he told me to be ready by 6 pm. He told me to dress semi-casual. I was a little confused, but just went with it. So, I told him okay and told him I would see him then and he went back to his house. I didn't do much until about 4:30. I took a shower and then straightened my hair. I put on my usual makeup. Then I put on my turquoise sun dress and strappy sandals that match perfectly. I had about 30 min to spare, so I just watched an episode of Supernatural." We both giggle at that last part because Supernatural is our guilty pleasure right now.

"But anyway, he showed up a few minutes early and he had Starbucks and another pink rose! I am possibly the luckiest girl in the world. He gave me the rose and I went to put it in a vase. When I came back, he grabbed my hand and told me to follow him. He lead me down the street to the path that leads to the bridge that crosses into the park. Once we got to the park, he took me over to my favorite tree and he had set up a picnic. Everything was perfect. We had sandwiches, grapes, and lemonade. After we finished eating, he grabbed his guitar and started strumming the tune of 'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran. He sang the words so softly. It was so amazing!" I finished, grinning like a fool as I thought back to last night.

"I am so happy for you! It sounds amazing! I wish I had a boyfriend to do that kind of stuff with." She said kind of sadly and I suddenly felt bad about the whole thing. Was I bragging? I tend to do that sometimes.

"Oh Ashlynn, I'm sorry. We will find you a boyfriend who will treat you better than Toby treats me! I'm so sorry if it sounded like I was bragging. I wasn't trying to, I am just still really excited form last night." I say, sounding sincere.

"It's alright. I know you weren't trying to brag and that you are just excited. Just sometimes I feel left out because I don't have a boyfriend to do all of that stuff with." She said with a sad look on her face. I really do feel terrible. I suddenly have an idea, what if Riley and Ashlynn go out? He is only 2 years older than her...but what about Chelise? I guess Chelise can go out with Connor if she wants to, and I don't think she has showed interest in Riley yet. Ashlynn interrupts my thinking and says, "You have a mischievous look on your face, what are you planning?"

"I was thinking, you could go out with Riley! He is only 2 years older than you and he is a super sweet guy!" I say excitedly. Her face lights up, then she frowns and says, "But what about Chelise?"

"Well I was thinking, she could go out with Connor. Plus, she hasn't really shown interest in being anything more than friends with Riley. I definitely think you should give it a try. You know, I was actually headed over to their house but came to yours to talk to you. So, if you want, you can come with me now." I say and she starts smiling.

"Yeah, okay. I think I will take you up on that offer." She says and we go downstairs. I text Toby and let him know that we are on our way over. He texts back almost instantly and says 'Alright! Can't wait to see you babe! :)' I smile when I read his message. I turn to Ashlynn and ask her if she is ready to go. She nods and we walk out the front door and across the street to Toby's house. I knock on the door and Riley answers. He grins when he sees Ashlynn and I grin a little bit. After we stand there for a few minutes, I awkwardly say, "Hey uh Ri, are you going to let us inside?"

"Oh, yeah sorry" He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, then he steps away from the door. I walk into the house, then I yell "TOBY!". I turn to Riley and Ashlynn and say,"Well, I need to go talk to Toby so you two can have some alone time and have a nice little chat." I wink at Ashlynn, then run up to Toby's room.

"Hey babe!" He says as I walk into his room. I walk over to him, give him a kiss, and flop down on his bed next to him.

"Hey!" I say. "So, we have serious things to talk about."

"What do we need to talk about?" He says questioningly.

"Tour. What are we going to do once you have to go back on tour?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah." Toby says with a disappointed look. "Well our next tour is in the UK and it doesn't start for another two months. You could always come with us."

"Yeah, but what about school?" I ask.

"Well, I will probably take online classes. You can take online classes too." He says with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, I guess I can ask my parents. Should I call them now?" I ask.

"Yes. That is a great idea because then they can talk to my mom and she can tell them how great it has worked out with me." He says.

"Yeah, that is a good idea! How long is the tour?" I ask.

"Four months. I hope you can come because then we can go see all the awesome things in Europe and go to the beaches!" He says getting really excited and smiling really big. I laugh at how excited he is getting.

"Okay, Okay! I get it, you really want me to go and there are a lot of things we can do. Lets not get ahead of ourselves though. We still have to call my parents." I say trying to get him to calm down.

"Alright, lets go do that then." he says. We go downstairs and call my parents. I hope they let me go with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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