Chapter 8

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~Toby's POV~

I get pulled out of my thoughts about everything going on right now, and how i'm with an absolutely perfect girl, when I hear the flight attendant saying,"Everyone buckle your seat belts, we are landing." I shake Alison's shoulder, and whisper in her ear, "Babe, we are landing. Wake up." I kiss her head softly. The flight was 8 hours long, but it felt longer. The fact that her mom got us first class flights helped, at least we were comfortable for the long flight. We listened to music most of the time, Alison also slept with her head on my chest. The flight attendant tells us we have landed, and that we can exit the plane. We grab our carry-on bags, and get off the plane. We walk to the baggage claim, and wait for our bags to come around. Once we see them, we grab them and walk over to a waiting area and sit down. I text a group message to my family saying that we have landed, and we are okay. After the message sends, I turn to Alison and say,"So who's picking us up?"

"My grandparents, then we are going to grab something to eat and head to the hospital. The hospital is only a few minutes away from here. After we visit my cousin for a few hours, we will drive back to my grandparents house. Their house is about an hour and a half away. This is probably going to be a really boring trip for you, im sorry. Thank you for coming along though, you being here already makes me feel 100 times better." She says. She intertwines our fingers and lays her head on my chest when she says the last part. I kiss the top of her head and whisper,"You know I will always be here for you. I love you."

"I love you too." She says. Then she says,"I'm going to go call my grandparents, I'll be back in a minute."

"Ok." I say then she walks away. I decide to get on my Starbucks app to see where the nearest Starbucks is, it says there is one in the airport. Yay! Thank god for this app. Alison walks back in a few minutes and sighs, then says,"They said it's going to be 10-15 minutes."

"Perfect!" I say, now we have time to go find the Starbucks.

"Since when is waiting in an airport a good thing?" She asks.

"Since I found out there is a Starbucks somewhere in here." I say happily.

"YAY! Let's go find it on a map." She says, jumping up and grabbing her luggage. "I think there is a map right over there." She says, pointing toward the center of the airport.

"Okay, then lets go." I say grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Okay." She says. We walk toward the center of the airport, and we found the map. It says the Starbucks is straight ahead. "Okay, it says we go straight." She says. We start walking straight, and we find Starbucks on the right. "Yay! Starbucks is like a life saver." She says, and I start laughing. We walk in, and up to the counter.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks. Can I take your order?" The barista asks.

"Yeah, I would like a venti Peppermint Mocha." I say.

"I would like a venti Vanilla Bean Frappuccino." She says, getting her wallet out. I grab her hand, and say,"No, I'll pay."

"Fine whatever, I am paying next time." She says

"That will be $8.72." The barista says, and I hand her the money. "By the way, you make an extremely cute couple."

"Thank you." Alison and I say at the same time.

"No problem, and here are your drinks." She says.

"Oh, can I also get 2 grande caramel macchiatos? One skinny, one regular." Alison asks, and I give her a questioning look. 

"Sure, that will be $6.38." The barista says, and Alison pulls out her wallet.

"Thanks. Can I get a holder too please?" Alison asks her.

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