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Ivor pointed to a hole in a mountain.

"Ellegaard made sure that no monster would want to go here.Gabriel cleared out those pesky Silverfish."Ivor said.

Good. Jesse entered the cave.

Petra came in next.Ivor went in the middle of the group,probably for safety.Selfish.

Soon enough the walls changed from stone to those of a stronghold.

"Keep going straight."Ivor instructed.

There was something in his voice that made everybody but Jesse uncomfortable.Even more than the stronghold.Olivia saw a room with a monster maker in it,but the torches kept it from pooping out any nasties.

"This feels weird."Axel admitted.

"I suppose you've gotten used to fighting."Ivor guessed."Especially in places like this."

Lukas exchanged a look with Olivia and she shrugged.

A breeze swept through the stronghold,which was weird.Ivor passed it off as wind coming from the surface.Apparently it happened all the time.

"Is that it?"Jesse pointed to something up ahead,already knowing the answer.

"Yes.I told you it wouldn't take long."Ivor grinned.

"Did he?"Axel whispered to Lukas.

He shrugged.

Jesse rushed up to the portal and looked into it eagerly.The pattern in it reminded her of the night sky.

She turned to her friends and gave them the biggest grin since Reuben died.

"We're getting him back."She closed her eyes."For real this time."

And she jumped in.

"See you guys on the other side,then."Petra jumped in,too.

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"Where are the Endermen?"Olivia asked.

"Nobody knows.At least this place isn't flooded anymo-"

Ivor was cut off by a loud snarl.

"Wait..."Petra looked up in the air."Oh..."

"What is that doing here?!"Olivia squeaked.

It was the Enderdragon.

I flew down and spat a load of purple flames.

"MOVE!"Petra yelled.

Jesse grabbed the nearest person's hand-Olivia's,and rolled with her as the flames went overhead.

"Thanks,Jesse."Olivia's voice was shaky.

"Anything for a friend."Jesse replied,keeping her eyes on the dragon."Is everyone okay?"

"We're fine!"Lukas shouted."But we need to destroy the crystals!"

Four crystals,right?


There were six.



Sorry I had to do that

So I took a break from At Dawn,We Rise and actually updated!YAY ME!

Bearable (A Minecraft Story Mode Fanfic) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now