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Please no...

The Enderman held Jesse by her neck,not quite choking her,but scaring her out of her wits.Then it dropped her,shrieking.Rain.


Rain saved her.


"Do we really have to ride in this weather?"Olivia groaned.

"If we wanna make sure Jesse's okay,then yes."Petra huffed.

It was the middle of the night,yet Axel had woken everybody up swearing he heard Jesse scream.
It seemed that the monsters didn't care for the horses,and they were going so fast that none of the monsters could hit them.A few arrows would wiz by,but they never got anyone.

After a while Axel's horse started to slow down.

"Axel,what's up?"Lukas asked.

"It's running out of energy,I have to stop!"Axel explained.

"I'll stay with Axel,you two check ahead."Olivia said,slowing down her horse.

Petra didn't really want to take orders from Olivia,but it seemed like the smart thing to do.
With Lukas at her side,she spurred her horse forwards,though the only thing she could see were trees...
More trees...
More trees...
More trees...
Even mo-

Suddenly a familiar shriek filled the air and Petra exchanged a glance with Lukas.


Bearable (A Minecraft Story Mode Fanfic) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now