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"Do you remember at Christmas when you said you wanted to go to a baseball game?" England asked, sitting next to America on the comfy sofa. America grinned and looked at his baseball posters on the walls. "Yeah! Why?" England shrugged. "Maybe we could go to a baseball game tomorrow?" America raised his eyebrows. "Well what?" England asked, feeling rejected. "I never thought you... Would want to go to a baseball game." He pulled the Brit closer and kissed him on the mouth. "It's kinda hot." England flushed. "Well... I just... Thought you wanted..." America laughed and got up to check game times for the week. 

"Okay how does this work?" England asked, pointing at the bases. "The pitcher throws the ball, the batter hits it, and then they run over the bases." America bounced in his seat, excited to be in a crowd, talking about sports with his best friend. England fanned his face with some papers and covered his eyes from the sun. "I'm too old for this bloody heat." England complained, sipping from America's  laughed and chugged the rest of the soda. England looked astonished at his ability to drink pop. 

At the second half of the game, a ball shot right at them in the stands. England pointed. "Catch it!" America shouted in his ear. The Brit jumped up and grabbed the ball out of the air, angering several younger fans in front of them. America shouted for five minutes, causing several people to leave the stands. England pulled his hat over his face and sunk low in his seat. "What's wrong?" America asked, handing the ball back to England. "Those people were angry." England said, feeling guilty. "It's okay dude! You caught the ball, they're just jealous!" England shrugged, not convinced. "You caught a ball at your first baseball game! That's the coolest thing ever! So smile damnit." America pinched England's cheek, causing him to blush and smile. "You're so cute when you blush." He whispered in the Brit's ear, making him blush more. 

At the end of the day England was glad he had gone to the game. He spent the whole day with America, with no interruptions. The only thing he didn't like, was that he had gotten sweaty from the heat. England pulled his shirt and jeans off and started the water. He was just about to get in, when America came in. He froze, blushing a bright red. "S-sorry bro." He ran out, pulling the door shut behind him. At first, England was flustered, unsure what to do. Then he just continued his shower, happy that for once he had made the American blush instead of himself. 

Later when England was laying in bed, America knocked on his door. "Yeah?" He asked. Alfred opened the door and poked his head in. "Just wanted to say sorry again." He said, and was about to leave when England chuckled. "America?" He asked, trying to stop laughing. "What?" He asked, blushing agin. "You're cute when you blush." Alfred froze, glaring at the Brit. "So you want to play that game huh?" He asked, coming into the room to get in England's face. "I see what you did there and I don't like it." He grumbled, sitting on the bed. England sat up and kissed America, pulling him closer by the front of his shirt. 

They kissed for a while, before America started getting tired. England lay back against his pillows, and America lay next to him, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Hey, thanks for going to the game with me. I know that's not your thing." America smiled faintly. The Brit was happy to go, even if he hated sweating. "Hey Arthur?" He asked, his voice getting smaller. "Yeah Alfred?" He loved that name. "Will you stay with me?" He turned his face away, waiting for him to say no. "Yes, as long as you want me." England squeezed America's hand, and they fell asleep together, holding hands. 

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