America's Confession

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America was sitting at the kitchen table when England returned home, staring out the window with misty eyes. "Where did you go?" He asked in a dead voice. "What are you doing up to early?" He asked, ignoring the question. "Toni woke me up and told me you had been gone all night. You fell asleep with me... Where did you go?" America turned his face away again, hiding the tears in his eyes. "By the look on your face I'm guessing you already know?" England sat down, and rubbed his green eyes. Alfred didn't move, or say a word. "I was helping France. He's broke." The Brit grabbed his boyfriend's hand, trying to comfort him. The America jerked his hand back. "You smell like him. Is that all you were doing?" He stood up jerkily and stomped up the stairs. "Is now a good time for tantrums? You're not ten anymore Alfie." Arthur shouted after him, but instantly regretted everything. "What the bloody hell have I done to myself this time?" He growled to himself. He put his arms on the table, and rested his head on them. The next thing he knew, England was out cold. He hadn't even made it t bed. 

When he woke, He was laying on the couch, a thick blanket over him, and a fluffy pillow under his head. America sat acros the room in an arm chair, playing a portable video game. "You moved me?" He asked, feeling his heart skip a beat. This was his kind America. Alfred glanced up. "Yes." Then returned to his video game. "Why if you're so mad at me?" The Brit asked, trying to sit up. America closed the game, set it on a side table and went to the blond. "Because I can't stay mad at you. And I couldn't lave you there. You're also really cute when you're sleeping." He replied, slipping under the blanket and cuddling up next to Britain. "I'm sorry." He whispered. America held him against his chest, and kissed his hair. It was usually England who did this, when America was scared, sad or lonely after a long day of work, or a scary ghost tory. The American smiled faintly, thinking the same thing. "You know... You could make it up to me..." England looked up at him and blushed. "No, I meant get me a cheese burger and diet coke..." England blinked. "But that works too." He bent his face down to the Brit and kissed him fiercely. 

"So you're not mad at me?" England asked a while later, as they snuggled under the warm blanket on the large couch. America smiled. "I'm more mad at myself." England raised a fluffy eyebrow. America took a deep breath. "I... I may have lied to you..." England looked at his boyfriend curiously. "I knew you went to see France because I listened to you two at the end of the meeting, and I had Toni watch because I knew you would leave." He let out a breaht, glad to have the news off his shoulders. England sat up. "You what?!" America let the Brit get up, knowing he would be mad for a while. "You spied on me?" He shouted. America flinched. I'm actually secretly insecure... So yes." England blinked at the American. He never talked about his feelings. "Okay." Was all he said, before walking quietly upstairs to work. 

America let England walk off. He knew when he was quiet, it was bad. He should have kept his mouth shut and he knew it. The only thing he could do was to let the Brit work it off. They had both made mistakes that night, and he knew they could overcome it. He just had to be patient. 


I hate it when my boys fight :(

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