Sneaking Out

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England looked over at America as he snored lightly. The rambunctious blond was so quiet and peaceful in his sleep. That's one of the things England loved best about him.He rolled out of bed, folding the cream blankets back in place, and slipped on jeans and shoes. He barely made it out the room without tripping over clothes, but he managed almost silently. America rolled over, his arm stretching across where the Brit had been laying, but he didn't wake. He sighed in relief and closed the door quietly. When he turned to go down the stairs, he was met by Toni. England jumped and nearly fell on his skinny ass. "Where are you going?" He chirped in his barely understandable alien voice. "N-nowhere." England stuttered, trying not to look guilty. Toni narrowed his eyes, but returned to his office anyway, probably to watch something indecent on his computer. England walked calmly down the stairs, and out the front door, not letting the alien see he was afraid of him. "I shouldn't have to sneak out of my own house." He grumbled to himself as he groped through the near pitch blackness. Once he was in his car, England sent a text to France, letting him know he was on his way. England drove slowly and carefully, not risking getting in a wreck on a night this dark. He was also worried America would wake and go looking for him. 

He arrived at his old home around 1:30 and pulled up to the curb. The curtain next to the door twitched and the door opened. France waved him in. "You're being sneaky." He mused, and England shrugged off his black jacket. "I just... I'm worried and its late." "What do you need me to do?" He asked, his voice softening. He still had a soft spot for France, he just couldn't afford to lose his cool. "I don't know. I'm broke, and my boss hates me." He sat on the edge of the red couch, his back straight. England thought he was a little too awake. "Are you usually up this late?" He asked, rubbing his green eyes. France shrugged. "Haven't been sleeping well either." England sat beside him and took his hand. "I'll try to help." france squeezed his hand. "Thank you." 

They sat in silence for a while, both thinking and their breathing slowing. He missed the quiet he had with France. When he was with America, he always had something to do, always had noise or always needed to get out and buy food. With France, they were old enough to enjoy silence and not needing to talk. England liked that. "You know, I miss you." France whispered, his accent striking a cord in England's heart. He had always loved Frances musical voice. He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. "I miss you too." He said softly. France leaned in and kissed him, his lips soft. England couldn't help but kiss him back. France had an effect on him he couldn't resist. The lust flooded through him, and next thing he knew, they were laying on the couch, arms twined around each other and breathing hard. England disentangled himself and looked at the clock. It was 5:00. "I have to go." He said, putting his jacket back on and handing France an envelope. "Here's enough to pay your rent and get food. Let me know if you need my help again." He kissed his cheek and left, only slightly regretting what he had done. 


Right when things are good with Alfred. Why Britain?!?! 

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