World Meeting

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America punched his alarm clock across the room when it went off. It made a high pitched alien like noise. England covered his head with his pillow and kicked the American off the bed. He grumbled and shut off the clock while laying on the dark carpeted floor. "Getting up suuuuuucks!!!!" America groaned from his spot on the floor. This Brit chuckled and pushed himself up on his elbows. "You need some tea." He said with a smile, and went downstairs to make some. 

England sipped his tea in his robe, staring out the window. He was thinking about how happy he was, when America surprised him by sliding his arms around his waist and kissing his neck. England gasped and nearly dropped his tea cup. "What happened to not getting up?" England asked, his cheeks turning pink. "I thought I'd try some tea." The American picked up a cup, and sipped at the dark brew. He nearly spat it out. "Dude how do you drink this?!" He tossed the cup in the sink and prepared his coffee. 

"Anyway..." England said, hardly bothered by his roommates dislike of the tea. "We have a meeting today." He sighed, and neatly stacked his late paperwork. "Have you finished your report?" Britain asked, smirking at the look on Alfred's face. "Ummm...  About that... I forgot..." America took his glasses off and rubbed his blue eyes. "Well you have three hours to do it." He said in a reprimanding tone. "I'm not your dog!" America said, and stomped up the stairs to his office, chugging his coffee and yelling for Toni to bring him more. 


England and America showed up an hour late to the meeting, due to Alfred's forgetfulness. He explained so to Germany, who was purple in the face when they arrived. "Can we start now?" He shouted at the room. Italy shot up in his seat. "Yes sir!" He smiled widely. Everyone just exchanged looks and proceeded with their reports. England and France exchanged several looks, England trying not to feel guilty for just leaving, and  France probably trying to make him feel guilty for leaving. When it was Frances turn to report, he talked about his worsening financial state. "I need help." He whimpered when he had finished his report. England felt his heart break. He didn't want to get involved again, but France looked so sad. "After the meeting." England whispered to France when he had sat down. America glanced suspiciously over at him. He knew where England had been staying before, and he didn't like it.


When the meeting was over, America went to dinner with Japan to eat some kind of dangerous fish, so he was able to speak with Francis. "What can I do to help?" Britain asked quietly, trying not to get worked up. "Oh.... Maybe if I had a new roommate..." He looked up, his eyes watering. Damn you frog... England thought to himself. "Please don't cry..." England hugged the French man. "I'll try to help." He spoke gently. Touching France again made his heart fly, but he couldn't stop thinking about how America would feel if he knew he was helping his ex roommate. 


Do you think England helping France will cause conflict between him and America? I hope not! :'(

Fun fact- My house has no stairs, so every story I write, the house the characters live in has stairs. :P

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