Will You Do Me The Honor Of...?

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"You know... I'm bloody sick of this." England said roughly to France as they strolled through a marketplace. France begged the Brit to go shopping with him because he claimed the old man needed a splash of color. "How bout a scarf?" France asked, holding up a red piece of silk. Britain shook his head. "No..." He looked around at all the shops, and up at the clear blue sky, but felt as if something was missing. "Lunch?" England asked. France nodded politely. eThey made their way to a small cafe, and sat by the sun filled window. "Can I ask you a question?" France nodded, his eyes filling with dread. "I knew this was coming." England raised a thick eyebrow. "You want to know if you can pull of purple." France grinned. "Let's not try  darling." England shook his head and ran a hand through his short hair. "I'm serious France." The other man chuckled, but gestured for him to ask away. "Do you think... Would now be a bad time for me to propose to America?" Frances eyes widened with genuin surprise. England and America had been arguing a lot lately, between Alfred spying on England for not trusting him, or England cheating on Alfred. "So you chose love? I always knew you would. Of course you should propose to him silly." England smiled brightly. "Thank you dear friend. I truly am sorry we couldn't work." France nodded, and sipped his coffee. He always knew it would end like this. "Thank you for understanding." England said, before finishing his tea and departing to get a ring. 


That weekend, England took America to their favorite park, and packed a lunch. "Why are we going out?" America asked, barely making himself look presentable. England on the contrary had dressed up, combed his hair to perfection, and used a younger cologne. "What's going on?" America asked when they had finished their lunch. "Alfred..." England spoke softly, taking his boyfriend's hand carefully. America looked concerned. "If this is to tell me you're dying, I'm going to be angry." The older man laughed. "No dear, It's something special." He smiled warmly. "Okay, what?!" The American was growing excited with anticipation. England never gave him surprises, and this one seamed to be special indeed. "Alfred. I have come to know you over the past several years on a deeper level than anyone else I have ever met. You have become a wonderful man, and I love you with all my heart." England paused, his eyes filling with unshed tears, and produced a ring from his pocket. He held it up for America to see. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?" America's other hand fluttered to cover his mouth, which had opened in surprise. He glowed with happiness. The American took his lover into his arms, and kissed him deeply. "Of course Alfie. You know I love you more than anyone." He held him tighter. England slipped the shining ring onto Alfred's finger, and felt his heart swell. "Which one of us is wearing a dress?" England smacked him on the back of the head, but couldn't hide his smile. 


This is the end unles you REALLY want me to write the wedding. Let me know! Thank you sooooo much for following this story! Its one of my favorites. It makes me super happy and proud to see it grow so much. I can't thank you enough!

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