Chapter 6

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A Thug's True Love: Chapter 6

~Arley P.O.V.~
~Sunday Morning~

I talked to Heather last night and she said she would drive up and get Nicole later on tonight.

I was layin down on the couch cause I couldn't sleep at all last night. I couldn't wait to tell Heather what Nicole was doing. It's funny cause I remember when Heather and I would sneak out and come back at like 5 in the morning. Crazy shit we would do when we were Nicole's age.

"You stayed down here all night?" I heard Nelle's soft voice

"Yeah, Couldn't sleep and I didn't wanna keep you up with all my tossing and turning so I just came down here" I smiled at her

"Oh, well what's up with Nicole, I heard her crying in her room"

"She's crying?" Nelle nodded her head so I got up and walked upstairs to her room. I reached her door and knocked softly on her door. "Nicole"

"Go-o aw-way" She said through sniffles. I ignore her and walked in. She was laying in bed crying.

"Why are you crying? If anyone should be crying it should be me" She laughed a little but went back to crying

"I d-dont wan-na leave" She sat up and I joined her and sat next to her. I wiped away the tears that managed to escape her eyes.

"I'm gonna go back to Lexis' real quick, alright?" Nelle popped her head in. I smiled at her and nodded.

"I know you don't wanna leave, but you need to really fix your shit. You need some tough parenting from your mom as opposed to me." She leaned her head against my chest and sighed.

"Please Dad. I don't wanna go with her. I will be good, I won't sneak out, I won't do anything but sit in my room all day watching the walls. Please Dad." She begged

"Nope. You need to be straightened out. I don't like what the hell you turned into. Plus your Mom is excited she gets to have you for a month." I rubbed her back and she only buried her face deeper into my chest.

"Why can't I just go with Grandma?"

"Really? You and I both know she would let you do whatever you wanted. Any thought that came to mind she would let you go through with it. Nice try. Now finish packing up. She's coming tonight after we visit the rest of the family." I kissed the top of her head and got up, walking towards the door.

"I still hate you" She said with a little smile

"I hope you do, Love you" I closed her door and headed to my room. I just wanted to take a shower and pretend none of this happening. That Nicole was still my little 5 year old who only worried about the dog not some goon in the hospital.

~Lexis P.O.V.~

I was laying bed when I heard the front door open. I sat up and I automatically knew it was Nelle. Trey came running in

"Mom's home. Get her back!" He whisper yelled at me

"We'll see what'll happen, get some shorts on or something, always in boxers, there ain't no girls here shit" I laughed

"Keep talkin old man. We'll see who be bringin home more girls" He closed my door and I heard him run down the hall to his room. Old Man? I ain't old.

I was already in shorts and a shirt so I just got up and opened the door just enough to peek my head through. "Nelle! Come Upstairs real quick!" I yelled. I heard her jog up the stairs and I pulled her into my room.

"What's up?" She laughed

"I just wanted to talk for a little bit, you ain't in a hurry are you?" I asked

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