Chapter 24

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A Thug's True Love: Chapter 24

~Chanelle P.O.V.~

I heard the words "Ms. Santos" and sprung out of the tub so fast.

I threw on my robe, slipped on my slippers then took off down the stairs.

"Ma! Your mom be here!" Lexis called as I reached the bottom of the stairs

"Hi Sweetie!" My Mom said as she pulled me in for a tight hug "ew you're all wet" She said as she just as quickly let me go

"Hi to you too, and I was in the tub when you showed up. What's up?" I stepped aside for her to walk in and Lexis closed the door as I led my mother to the couch

"Well it's been a long ass time since I've seen you, Lexis and the kids. Also you-know-who is back." She rolled her eyes

"He was talking to me for the past 2 days but I ended it with him" Lexis pulled me onto his lap apparently not caring that I was still really wet

"You too? He hasn't stopped trying to talk to me for the past 3 months. I finally changed my number all together and thank god"

"His other daughter is with him too" I yawned

"I don't doubt it. I know the timing is awful but what's your brothers address? I would have called but with the new number I didn't move my contacts over"

"Yeah hold on let me go write it down for you" I got up and walked to the office to grab a piece of paper and pen

I walked back to Lexis's office and saw papers spread all across his desk. He seriously needs to sort through all these, damn.

I quickly wrote it down and as I turned around to walk out I saw a map on his wall with all these red dots on these exotic places!

Was this for the trip? I hope so!

"Here Mom. I don't think he's home, I heard he took Ty to Denver." I said as I handed her the piece of paper

"Oh, okay. Well I don't want to keep you up anymore than you both should be." She stood up and gave Lexis a hug before pulling me in for one "I love you both. I think we should all go out for lunch sometime"

"You already know I be down with that Ms. Santos" Lexis laughed

"Alright, give me a call when you're both free" She said as she walked out the door. I said my final good bye before following Lexis up the stairs

~The Next Morning~
~Lexis P.O.V.~

I woke up and everyone was gone.

I'm guessin lil ma took the boys to school cause I didn't hear their asses complaining about school.

I took a shower, did my usual hygiene and got dressed in just some regular dark wash true's, white t-shirt n my red chucks.

I went downstairs, grabbed my keys off the counter and walked out the door.

~20 Minutes Later~

"Sup man, we goin over?" Alvaro asked as I pulled up

"Hell yeah"I laughed as he got in

"Man I saw Nicole comin out of AJ's house this morning...I didn't know Arls was lettin her stay there" Varo said

"Shit really? Maybe he had a change of heart or somethin?"

"I still find it hella weird. He didn't come home till like 4 in the morning. I heard his car rollin up the street"

"All nighters huh? I think we got our old Arls back bruh"

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