Chapter 20

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A Thug's True Love: Chapter 20

~Trey P.O.V.~
~The Next Morning~

"Honey! We was supposed to be home by 3! It's already 7!" I yelled as I put on my shirt. Last night was a hell of a night.

"I know! But I was sleeping so good so I didn't hear my alarm!" She was waiting by the door watching me

"I was sleeping hella good too but now Ima hear it from my Dad." I grabbed her hand and together we started walking out of the house. "By the way, Honey, you're a damn freak"

"But you love me like that. I told you I wanted to try something and you seemed to have enjoyed it too" she said in a smart ass tone

"Yeah Yeah Yeah, what are you doing today?"

"Going with Lauren to get our nails done. She called earlier yesterday crying cause she broke a nail so I told her I'd go with her today" she laughed

"Lauren is just too much, what about the guys?"

"I ont know about them but I think they're in town for the weekend"

"Oh alright, you headin home or you comin to my house?" I asked when we reached the corner of the street

"Ima go home, I'll see you later" she gave me a kiss then walked off down the street. I wasn't lookin forward to goin home.

~Lexis P.O.V.~

"So Trey didn't come home by 3?" I asked DeShawn

"Nope. I ain't hear him come home"

"You think he alright?"

"It's Trey. He can handle himself out there in the streets" he spun around in his chair facing his computer

"Lexis! I'm goin to go visit Ty for a while, I'll be back later" Nelle yelled

"Alright! Tell him we all say hi and we love him" I heard the door close and I proceeded to walk down the stairs.

"Hey Dad" I saw Trey sittin on couch with a smile

"Sup? Why was your ass not home at 3?" I took a seat on the chair and DeShawn came flyin down the stairs. Nosey ass.

"Well Honey and I got caught up at the house, then we fell asleep and didn't hear our alarms go off"

"The fuck you mean caught up? Y'all be like 14, the most y'all could do is play hop scotch or duck duck goose" DeShawn broke down laughing. Why do I get a feelin he did what I think he did.

"We don't play hop scotch. This ain't the 1950's." smart ass piece of shit.

"Alright then, what y'all get caught up in" he had a bashful look on his face "boy. I know you didn't."

"Wait! Do what?!" DeShawn asked

"Oh my shit. You did, didn't you." I was just watchin him as he would shift his weight uncomfortably

"She started it!"

"YOU LET HER BE IN CHARGE!" This was not how I raised my boys.

"In charge of what?!"

"DeShawn not now! Trey are you fucking kidding me? I ain't even mad anymore at that but seriously? You wasn't in charge. God dammit. I failed as a father"

"She pushed me back and it started from there! What was I supposed to do?"

"You flip around so you on top! Dammit Trey. Well I hate to say it but Honey wears the pants in y'all relationship now." Don't get me wrong, I'm pissed Trey had sex at this young of an age and all but come on.

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