Chapter 22

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A Thug's True Love: Chapter 22

~AJ P.O.V.~

So Nicole and I are drivin to her Uncle's house. It ain't weird or nun cause her Dad and I been bondin a lot more and naturally her Uncles would come by so we would all end up chillin.

I think Nicole movin in would be the greatest thing ever. She ALWAYS over at my house and half if not all of her shit is at my house so why not just move in? Plus she just 10 minutes away from her Dad.

"You excited?" She asked

"Hell yeah, aye is there some kind of boxing fever goin on in your family?" I was asked to brush up on my boxing skills by Varo

"Uncle Varo thinks he can take anyone now because he beat Trey" She laughed

"Wow, aight I'm down to box" I smirked. Varo n I put everything behind us and our gangs ain't beefin or nun.

~20 Minutes Later~

We pulled up and the drive way was packed with cars. We saw the kids all on the front yard playin around.

"Who are those two girls?" I asked

"They are my cousins Isabella and Vanessa. They are Uncle Javi' and Aunt Riley's kids." she said as she got out of the car

"Oh wow, I didn't know Javier had kids. Is he married?" She nodded her head yes and walked over to my side "ready?" She smiled

"Yeah, leggo" I grabbed her hand and together we walked inside.

~Lexis P.O.V.~

Finally Nicole and AJ showed up. I gave Javier the okay to start barbecuing and the house was packed. Everybody and their kids was runnin loose around the house, dogs were goin wild too.

"So who else knows about Trey and his baby mama?" Arls asked. We were standing out on the front porch watchin the kids play

"Just you, DeShawn, Honey, Trey n I know. Unless Honey told other people"

"Damn, that's crazy." He sighed

"Yeah, but aye we just go through it. Reminds me of Nelle n I when we was young and dumb" I laughed

"Y'all are still dumb, but there you go. I saw Leah with a wedding band on her finger yesterday while I was at Starbucks with Nicole. You know anything about that?" He rose an eyebrow

"You serious? What in the hell?"

"She lookin a lil more chubby too. I ain't makin assumptions or nun but next time you see her tell me what you think" oh god, Leah married? There is no way she'll last through a marriage.

"Oh fuck-"

"Aye y'all!" Alvaro stumbled out onto the porch

"What's up with you?" Arls asked with a laugh

"Nun, just thought I'd come out and see what my main niggas be doin" he laughed "you know what, I'll be right back" he ran back inside

"He's gettin worse as he gets older." Arls laughed

"I know but oh well" Alvaro came out with all the guys. We all pulled up a chair and sat in a line that went straight across the porch "so Arls, how's your Heather situation?" I asked

"I was supposed to take the AC but she apparently already went and now she's back with Joey in Vegas"

"She back with Joey?!" Marcus yelled

"Yup! She said he's the one for her"

"What a dumb fuck, Joey ain't finna ever settle down" Chewy said

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