College in New York

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This book is in the process of editing.

Omg so excited to write this book. I really hope you guys enjoy it. I will try really hard to make this book the best it can be. Sometimes I might get writer's block and not update for a while but I will update don't worry. OK anyway, let me stop talking and start writing.

Warning: Sexual content in this book. If you are not 15 or older stop reading now!!!


"Ri-Ri stop..." I groaned.

"Elina wake up!!!"

I jolted awake and turned to my sister, trying to blink the sleep out of my eyes.

"Ri-Ri what time is it!?" I bellowed.

"It's 6:05 am, you'll have three hours to get ready and drive there," She informed me.

"Thank you, so much," I said hugging her.

Rhianna is my cousin. I am originally from Britain but because I got accepted to N.Y.E.U. I moved here to stay with my cousin for a few days before I go to the university. She lives a few miles from the city so it was a really good placement. Rhianna and I are really close, she's like the sister I never had. So I just call her my sister. It was really hard saying goodbye to my friends and family so I can't imagine how hard it will be saying goodbye to her.

I let go and hopped out of my bed.

"First day of Uni, Ri-Ri clothe me," I squealed waving my hands over my head.

She smirked at me.

"You've come to the right place sista," She giggled.

She grabbed my hand and tugged me to her room. Swinging open her closet she said,

"What kind of look are you going for? Something Smart, cute, sexy or gangsta?"

"Hmm, well first impressions count so something innocent," I beamed with a sly smile on my face.

"Okay..." She drawled already beginning to look in the closet.

She rummaged trough the closet for awhile and seconds later emerged with an outfit.

"Wow, that was quick," I said shocked.

"What can I say I'm a pro," She beamed.

I chuckled.

"So, what chu got?" I asked.

Smirking she showed me the outfit. It was a pink baggy knitted sweater, white-skinny high-waisted jeans, and pink leather high heeled wedges.

"Your just lucky we're the same size," she said.

I squealed and hugged her.

"Thank you so much," I said appreciatively.

Grabbing the outfit from her I rushed into the bathroom to change. When I stepped out of the bathroom, the look on Riri's face told me I looked good.

"Okay now for your makeup," she announced.

She dragged me over to her makeup office or, so she called it. Dropping me into the chair, she began working on my face. A few minutes passed then she smiled with satisfaction.

"I'm just too good," She praised herself.

She turned me around to look at myself and I did. My jaw dropped. I'd never looked so innocent before.

"I can't thank you enough Ri-ri," I told her.

I gave her a huge bear hug.

"I'm really going to miss you," she said and I could see in her eyes she meant it.

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