Happy Birthday To Me

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So sorry I haven't written in so long please forgive me!

"Brittany!" I exclaimed.

"Slut!" She exclaimed.

Oh i'm the slut,I thought but I kept that to myself.

I turned back to my escort. 

"You don't have any other girlfriend? I'm sure a handsome guy like you has more." I asked.

"I fuck and I ditch, all the rest hate me." He said

"Great!" I said throwing my hands into the air. 

I turned on my heel and began towards the elevator.

"Where are you going?" Jacob asked.

"To my dorm." I said over my shoulder.


Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open. I wasn't at all prepared for what I saw. There sitting on his bed buckled over with his head in his hands, was Ace. My heart ached for him but I knew I had to stand strong.

As I was walking past him to the bathroom he suddenly grasped my hand. I stood in place. A moment of silence dawned over us. No matter how long I stood there I just could not bring myself to look at him. Then finally he spoke. It was like a silent murmur but it was still there.

"Why..." he whispered.

I took a deep breath and turned to face him. He looked up at me and I saw that his eyes were red from crying. I've never seen Ace in a state like this nor did I think I ever would. I gave him a small smile and leaned down to his eye level. There I stood just staring him in the eye not knowing what to say or what could possibly be said. So instead of talking I gave him a small peck on the cheek and made my way to the bathroom once more.

I had my hand on the handle when suddenly I felt his presence behind me. I slowly turned towards him feeling my heart sink in my chest just at the thought of his heartache. I wanted to love him I really did. I wanted to kiss him and hold him forever but I just can't.  I cant bring myself to do it. It's just too dangerous and it wouldn't last. A playboy would always be a playboy and my shy irrelevant self just did not fit in with that type of life.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I totally forgot about him standing in front of me. I suddenly realized he was quickly closing the distance between us. I turned my head to the side and put my hand up to block this kiss. I shook my head.

"No," I told him still looking away.

I heard him take a deep breath as he began to move away. I still couldn't bring myself to look at him. In my peripheral vision I saw him shake his head and grab his jacket. He made his way to the door where he stopped and looked back at me one last time. He then shook his head once more, opened the door and slammed it behind him.


That was the last I saw of Ace. Its been a month. I still worried about him. At times wondering what happened to him or where he could have possibly went. But mostly I focused on my school work. I made a new friend, Her name is Julia. She's really nice and we hang out a lot. She helped to take my mind off the big break up and Ace. She wants to own her own business too so that's how we bonded. 

I was on my bed doing my homework when a knock came at my door. I closed the text book and made my way over to it. When I opened it there was no one there. I was about to close it once more when someone jumped into my line of vision.

"Happy birthday," shouted Julia.

A big grin spread across my face.

"You scared me you weirdo," I giggled.

"Whatever it's your birthday we've got to celebrate, and I brought just the thing," She announced.

She held up a bottle of wine while grinning like a freak.

"Wine," I huffed raising a brow. "What are you fifty?"

"Oh shut up," she demanded pushing past me into the room. "Would you have preferred beer. It is your birthday I wouldn't mind going to get some if you would like."

"Nah," I chuckled "Wine is fine."

"Ooh that rhymed," she chirped.

I giggled and shook my head. She made her way over to my bed and got comfortable. Before I knew it she was opening the bottle of wine. She was struggling which I found quite funny. I was about to reach out and help her when the top flew off and hit Ace's bed bringing a spew of wine with it. I felt my heart sink. I had tried to keep it just the way he left it hoping that he would come back.

Even if we can't be together he was never just my boyfriend he was also my best friend. Not even Julia could take his place in my heart. So yes it hurt a bit to see something of his ruined.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry I know how much you wanted to keep that just the way it is. I-I'll buy you the same exact sheet to replace it," She said.

I shook my head. "No, I'm more than convinced he's never coming back anyway. No matter how much I want him to," I murmured.

She reached out and took my hand. "It's gonna be okay Eli," she comforted.

I gave her a small smile.

"You know what, no sadness on your birthday," she said pulling her hand away. " Lets stalk some celebs.

I giggled as she reached for my laptop and flipped it open. After a few minutes she was on her favorite celebrity web site. I was getting a pillow to make myself more comfortable when I heard her squeal. 

"Oh my goodness, you are not gonna believe this," she exclaimed.

"What?" I asked curious.

I leaned over to see what all the excitement was about. My jaw dropped.

"Ace Knight officially appointed CEO of Neo Corp," she read aloud.

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