Ace's friends

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We drove for about 4 minutes with the music blaring "Summer" Calvin Harris and me dancing like crazy. Then he pulled out his phone and hooked it up to the Bluetooth calling someone. When the music stopped I glared at him.

"Yo, was sup?" A voice sounded through the stereo.

"I'm bout to go chill at Zams you in?" Ace asked the person on the other end.

"Yeah, man just hold on..."

Suddenly I heard loud moans( feminine and masculine) then some panting. After about a min.

"Aight, see you in 10."

 With that, the call cut off.I sat there my jaw dropped and Ace began laughing. I couldn't help but notice just how incredibly beautiful he was when he laughed.

"What you never heard someone have sex before?" He asked stupidly.

"No! Why would I have!?" I responded.

He laughed some more.

"You and your friends are fucking disgusting," I said. You could hear the disgust in my voice.

"Oh c'mon, your acting  like you haven't had sex before."

I immediately shut up and turned my head away to lookout the window.

"Your joking right?" He asked with disbelief in his voice.

"I have had sex it just wasn't... let's say...pleasant," I told him, horrible memories coming back to me. Suddenly I felt like crying. But I couldn't, not in front of someone I've only known for a day. I'm stronger than that.

"How the fuck can sex not be...pleasant!?" He asked looking complete and utterly lost.

"When it's rape," I muttered without thinking.

Not wanting to see his reaction I turned my head away again.

Why thy hell would you say that you idiot!

I didn't mean to you know that!


After what seemed like forever he finally spoke up.

"Sorry I didn't know," He sincerely said.

"Whatever it doesn't matter anymore," I said knowing it was a lie.

"Stick around" by Akon was now playing, I loved this song. I immediately began to cheer up.

"When the party's over, and the lights go down,

When everybody go I'm hoping that you stick around,

When the high is over, and we sober down,

When everybody go I'm hoping that you stick around!"

I sang. Ace gave me a crazy look which made me sing even more.

"I know we just met, I know we just started..."

He kept giving me the crazy look so I decided to just dance.

He chuckled. "You're ridiculous know that." 

When he smiled my heart fluttered.

I smirked at him "You've just met me,  you haven't seen anything yet."


We arrived in front of a huge white building with a neon sign that said Zams I noticed that there were quite a lot of people lined up outside. Across the street was what looked like a mini mall. He parked and turned the car off.  I could hear music coming from the inside.

"Let's go, " he told me getting out.

I quickly followed after him.

"Ace I'm not dressed for clubbing," I said worried about the odd looks I would get going into a club looking like I should be going to a library.

He looked back at me.

"Does how you're dressed really matter that much to you?"

I looked at him like he was crazy. Of course it does i'm a girl.

"Uh...ya," I drawled.

He grunted throwing his head back and swinging his arms , then began walking the opposite direction of the building.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He pointed his chin across the street to American Apparel.

"Oh, " I mouthed. "Wait I don't have my purse."

"Whatever I'll buy it, let's go." he said jogging across the street without looking for cars.


I bought... Well, he bought me, some black legging, a gray crop top, and some black combat boots. I changed in the changing rooms, he paid, and we went back over to Zams. When we arrived there were three guys standing by his car. He gave them each a lil bro hug then introduced us.

"This is Elina, my roommate. Elina this is Jason, Lucas, and Brady." When he introduced the guys he pointed to each of them.

"Nice to meet you," I said with an awkward wave.

 Jason looked uninterested, went back to his phone and Lucas nodded with a smirk. Brady walked up to me and slung an arm around my shoulders.

"Nice to meet you indeed," he said sizing me up with a smirk plastered on his face.

He had dark brown hair and some stubble on his chin. His eyes were chocolate brown and he was quite handsome actually. I turned to Ace.

"This is the one you talked to in the car isn't it?" I asked knowingly

He chuckled. "How'd you know?"

I cleared my throat. "That's what I thought."

I removed his arm and patted his chest "Not today buddy."

Lucas and Ace chuckled and I managed to get a smirk out of Jason. Brady was stunned.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"I've never been rejected before," He said looking utterly hurt.

I began laughing hysterically. "Your joking right?" I asked honestly not believing he was serious.

He looked at me seriously.

I inhaled a breath. "What has our society come to," I said scrunching up my nose.

The boys roared laughter and Jason chuckled. I patted him on the back.

"I'm only joking with ya," I said with a smirk.

"Can we go now?" Lucas asked nodding towards the doors.

Ace nodded and began walking in the direction of the doors. We all followed after him.

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