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I'm changing the characters so old readers may get confused but don't worry names stay the same. 

Elina POV:

I drove as fast as I could to a club where I met up with my old friend.

"Elina is that you!?"

I whipped around angrily and came face to face with my ex Zack. 

"Hey Zack," I greeted monotonously. 

His grin dissolved and he gave me a sympathetic look.

"Are you ok?" He asked, concern in his voice.

A lump formed in my throat.

"No..." I mumbled.

"And that's when the waterworks began. My body rose and fell with each sob. I felt horrible, sick even.

Zack immediately wrapped his arms around me in a comforting gesture. He lead me over to the bar and we took a seat.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

I nodded my head.

I vented to him for about a full hour when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and saw it was Ace. For a second I contemplated throwing my phone against the wall again. it was already shattered.I was raising my hand to do so when Zack put a comforting hand on my wrist.

"Want me to get it?" He asked.

I nodded and handed my phone to him. He answered then excused himself, getting up and walking away.

Ace Pov:

After awhile of waiting, a voice in my head said,

Call her you idiot.

I smacked myself in the head for not thinking of that sooner. I decide it might be better to face time her. After five rings she finally picked up. Well it wasn't a she it was guy. I was about to say something when he smirked.

That's when I recognized him. It was Zack.

" What the fuck are you doing with Eli's phone?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Eli? I don't know if I like you having a nickname for my girl."

Once again I was going to speak when he cut me off. 

"This is revenge Ace. After what she saw, or what she thought she saw, she'll never forgive you. And you know what i'll be doing while you mope around? I'll be banging the shit out of your true love.

With that he hung up. Anger was burning inside me and I almost crushed my phone in my fist. I quickly marched over to my car and hopped in. While we were talking I caught a glimpse of the sign over his head. I knew where they were. I pulled out of the parking spot so fast I left a skid mark. Without a care, I sped out of the lot and onto the road leaving a huge cloud of exhaust in my wake.


I kicked open the club doors and marched in. A huge crowd was gathered around something. I weaved my way to the front and froze. In front of me stood Elina with a bloody fist. She snarled at a limp Zack that lay unconscious on the floor. A second later, she visibly relaxed. She slowly turned her tear stained face towards me and came running into my arms. I hugged her tightly afraid I would lose her again.

"I'm sorry Ace, I'm sorry."


Elina POV: 

I had a doubt about letting Zack answer my phone so I followed him. 

I couldn't here what Ace was saying but I sure as hell heard what Zack said.

"Eli? I don't know if I like you having a nickname for my girl."

His girl, what!

"This is revenge Ace. After what she saw, or what she thought she saw, she'll never forgive you. And you know what I'll be doing while you mope around, I'll be banging the shit out of your true love.

Oh hell nah.

After he hung up I marched right over to him and grabbed my phone. His eyes widened.

"E-Eli I-"

I cut him off with a punch to the mouth. His mouth began bleeding and he gave me and angry look. I landed a spinning back kick to his head knocking him out cold. I picked his phones out of his pocket and opened it. Dumbass had a slide to unlock. I found an app called photo editor on his phone and saw the wretched picture that caused this whole mess. I also a picture of Ace kissing me at a party and the blonde (Who shall not be mentioned) Ace was kissing in the picture kissing Zack.

Ugh how did I fall for this crap! I should have seen the blurred line in between them. Wondering how Jax had gotten the picture, I searched through his contacts and sure as hell found Jax. He had sent the picture to Jax telling him to send it to me. Poor Jax probably thought it was real too and sent it to me out of sympathy. 

I tucked the phone back down in my pocket and gave Zack one more kick. Disgusted, I snarled down at him damning him to the farthest depths of hell. That's when I felt it. These days I always seemed to be able to sense when he was near. My shoulders relaxed and I let the tears fall. I slowly turned to face him then ran into his arms. I felt his arms tighten around my body. I sobbed loudly and whispered into the crook of his neck,

"I'm sorry Ace, I'm sorry."

"It's okay Eli, It wasn't your fault."

He led me out of the club and away from the crowd. Ace opened the passenger side door of his car for me and gently helped me in as if I was fragile and would break at  any moment. He went to his side of the car and hopped in. With a small smile in my direction he started the engine. As he was driving, he kept one hand on the  wheel and the other entwined with mine. I turned on the radio and a soft tune began  to play. I recognized it as Coldplays Hymm for the weekend. We fell into a peaceful silence listening to the song.

There were so many things I wanted to tell him at that moment. So many memories I wanted to make with him.  I wanted to confess everything I've ever done wrong. But most of all, i just wanted to feel his lips against mine. The song ended and he glanced in my direction.

"What happened to us Eli?"

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