12. Kamino

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~22 BBY~

Jade -

We were walking to the landing platform that held our Jedi Starfighters. Mine was yellow and white while Obi-wan's was red and white.

Master Windu caught up with us and ended up walking with us the rest of the way to the platform. We filled him in on what has happened and what we found out about the dart.

"It appears someone doesn't want us to know about this Kamino system." Obi-wan told him.

"That means that there's something happening on that system that we should know about." Master Windu said, I nodded in agreement.

"Master Windu, do you think a Jedi could've erased those files?" I asked, causing Obi-wan and Master Windu to look at me.

"I hope not, but this disturbance in the Force is making it hard to sense things." Windu told us as the door to the outside opened so we could take off in our starfighters.

There was a long silence while we got to Obi-wan's Starfighter which was right next to mine, "I'm concerned for my padawan, he is not ready to be on his own."

I was going to say something but decided against it. Master Windu spoke instead, "If the prophecy is true, he is the one who could bring balance to the Force."

"But he still has much to learn, he has gotten arrogant. I know see what you and Master Yoda saw from the beginning, the boy was too old to be trained." Obi-wan argued.

I sighed, walking over to my ship and stepping onto the wing, opening the cockpit. I didn't sit down until Obi-wan and Master Windu were finished with their conversation.

"Master, we should not have been given this assignment, I fear Anakin will not be able to protect the Senator... He has, an emotional connection with her. It's been there since he was a boy. Now he's confused, distracted." Obi-wan said, stepping onto his ship and looking down at Master Windu.

"Obi-wan, you must have faith he will choose the right path." Master Windu said, smiling at me and then back to Obi-wan.

"Yes, Master." Obi-wan bowed his head and then sat in the cockpit, I followed suit.

We both shut our cockpit glass and then took off. We didn't say anything to each other until we got to our hyperspace rings floating around the atmosphere of the planet. 

Our Starfighters needed them to go into hyperdrive since the ships were quite small. While we were in hyperspace our starfighters were right next to each other since our hyperspace rings were linked.

"So, you really think Anakin isn't ready?" I asked, looking over at Obi-wan who seemed startled by my voice.

I could hear him exhale through the speaker in my ship, "No, I don't. Do you think he is? You are like his second Master.." 

"I think he's as ready as he can be, I think that there are things that Jedi must learn on their own accord." I told him, looking down at my fiddling hands.

"What's wrong?" Obi-wan asked.

"What do you mean?" I looked up and over at him.

"You look sad..." He told me and I slightly nodded.

"I don't know, I've been thinking about things that I shouldn't be thinking about lately. Things that put my beliefs against the Jedi Order." I told him, being completely honest.

"About what?" He asked me, before I could answer we jumped out of hyperspace.

"I'll tell you later." I told him, pulling a lever down with a hard click and disconnecting from my hyperspace ring. 

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