18. Comeback

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~22 BBY~

Jade -

I couldn't figure out what the feeling was coming from but it made me feel energetic and ready for a fight which I had a feeling I was about to get.

I looked up at Count Dooku and watched as Master Windu's purple lightsaber illuminated next to Jango's face. Dooku turned around, surprised.

They spoke a few words and then the sound of lightsabers activating echoed throughout the arena. I watched as hundreds of Jedi stood around in the audience, turning on their lightsabers. All of the bugs started to fly away, out of the arena in panic.

Master Shaak Ti and Master Luminara jumped down onto the main floor and turned on their lightsabers. I smiled as we watched them all.

Master Windu started to get attacked by droids, Jango set his cloak on fire so he did a backflip off of the balcony and landed on the ground harshly, quickly taking off his cloak.

There were four main big tunnels in each wall, droids started pouring out of those and then I remembered, I didn't have my lightsabers.

We ran into the center, out of the circle of destroyers that had surrounded us. A large group of Jedi ran towards the droids as they shot at them, bravely charging and destroying as many of them as they could.

We ran up to a few Jedi who handed us all lightsabers. It was going to be weird fighting with only one but I had to get used to not having two sometimes.

I used my lightsaber to break Obi-wan's handcuffs as an explosion went off and we all got thrown off the animal. Padmé fell on the ground but quickly got up and I turned to Anakin, "You're in charge of keeping her safe!" I pointed at him.

He nodded and I ran into a large group of droids. I was blocking all of the lasers and destroying droids almost blindly. Obi-wan and I met up with Master Windu, all our backs together, defending ourselves from the droids.

I got a feeling like someone stabbed me in the heart, I looked around quickly to see that Jango had shot a Jedi to death and their body fell to the ground, completely lifeless.

I was angry now, none of these Jedi should've come. They had brought Padawans as well, I looked at one of the Palawan's body laying on the ground near us, unmoving and lifeless.

The beast that we were riding earlier came and knocked Master Windu and Obi-wan to the ground but I ran in time, in a chase with the animal.

I quickly turned around, swinging my lightsaber at its mouth causing myself to fall on my back and the creature to stumble away. I lost my lightsaber in the process as well.

Jango landed near it and dived to grab it, but he was too late and it was in my hand.

I activated it and spun around in my hand a few times as he laid on the ground. The creature came back and used its horn to knock Jango away, stepping on him a few times as well. A droid tried to come up behind me but I spun my lightsaber behind my back and hit the laser back at it, hitting it directly in the chest.

Jango stood up and finally shot the creature in the face, it fell out of the air while running and slid a few feet once it crashed onto the ground.

I started charging at Jango's back as he looked around for me. He finally turned and saw me, instantly starting to shoot me.

I blocked every laser though, he shouldn't have brought a blaster to a lightsaber battle. Once I got very close I cut off his hand and then ran my lightsaber through his chest with my hand on his shoulder.

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