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Once the call ended the tears started to leave my eyes. This week better be over with soon because I need them four idiots back home, when I was actually happy. I looked down at my phone to see I had 5mins until my exam time to get this finals week over with.


It was currently Friday, last day of school forever! Thank the lord on that one, which also means 3 more days till Calum gets home and I can spend christmas/summer break with him and the boys. I entered my last exam which was for my Performance class, and with my luck Maddison has to be in this class. As I'm heading out to the change rooms I feel a tight grip on my wrist, I turn around to see Maddison.

"What?!" I spat at her

"I just wanted to say, break a leg." I gave her a confused look as to why she would wish me luck on this.

"And by break a leg, I mean I hope you fall over those huge feet of yours and break a leg." I roll my eyes at her, the thing I'm looking forward to most is not having to spend another day with her after this class is over.

Once in my costume, I prepare for my performance which is a dance piece I choreographed to the boys song Invisible, as that song had a special place in my heart. Before my performance begun I heard Maddison mutter under her breathe.

"Her outfit is so perfect for her! It's so slut like and looking for attention like her."

I take a deep breathe in just thinking this will all end soon, after this class is all over for good, no more Maddison and the boys will be home soon. I began my lyrical piece to the song. Once completed the teacher called me over to give me my feedback and grade.

"Well Emily that was the best performance so far in this class, you demonstrated everything in the criteria beautifully making you receive a perfect grade of an A+" I was in utter shock by her words.

"Thank you so much." I collected my stuff and packed my bag ready for the bell to soon ring.

"What the hell was that?" Maddison said pushing me against the wall. My eyes started to water from the pain, please don't cry and make yourself look weaker then you already are.

"My assessment piece, what else?"

"I know that, but why that song, it's made you look like an even bigger attention seeker using your so called brothers song."

"Maybe I used that song because it means something special to me."

"Oh please, it's just a stupid song they perform." the bell rung after her comment.

"To you it is, but to me its a lot more then that." I pushed past her as I no longer have to see her again, maybe my life can get back together again.

I started walking to my car to find some figure sitting on the boot of my car.

"If you need a seat you can use an actual seat an-" I soon shut up when the figure turned around.

I just froze I didn't know what to do, my books soon dropped to the ground and my hands covered my mouth this can not be real.

"Well am I going to get a hug by my baby sister or are you just going to keep standing there."

I ran up to him giving him the tightest hug ever!

"Calum! What are you doing here!"

"I decided to come home early as I need to see my baby sister again, and why not do it right now at school." I turn around to see a huge crowed has formed just watching us.

I walk over to collect my books but soon a figure is standing in front of me, I look up to see Maddison; so much for not having to see her anymore. I slowly stand to my feet.

" Did you really hire an actor to get makeup done, so he can look somewhat like the Calum Hood. Did you think that this would make everything go away because from looks of things your making this stupid lie of yours even worse then it needs to be. And you know what, I know get why you used that song for your dance performance, and your right it does have a special spot for you because your a depressed freak who cuts and should just kill themselves. You'd be doing everyone a favour doing so." At this point I just froze, tears rolling down my cheeks, I didn't know what to do, Calum doesn't know about the cutting or me being depressed. I turn to see him with tears in his eyes also with a shocked expression.

"Oh is our little friend back to mute and hoping this random guy will help you on your ride home. Well guess what no one will want to help you ever, so do everyone a favour and kill yourself as you get home." An evil smirked soon plastered on her face as she turned and walked away.

I turned and quickly hopped in the passenger side of my car and was trying to hold my tears in so I didn't make that big of a scene in front of Calum.

"Em wh-"

"Please don't ask questions now, just drive home, please" He nodded at my response and soon we were on our way home.

Once at our place I got out of the car and just locked myself in my room. Yeh Calum may be home now and I've wanted that for so long, but not under these circumstances. He wasn't supposed to know about the cutting and me being this depressed. I was hoping to tell him myself when I felt i needed to most, but no once again Maddison had to ruin another thing in my life.  There was soon a light knock at my bedroom door.

"Em, can we talk." Calum said softly, pain sounding in his voice.

I was reluctant to letting him in or not. I decided against it, I couldn't face him right this moment. I didn't even give Calum a response, I just herd a sigh from the other side of the door and his footsteps getting quieter as he got further away from my room. I'm even a disappointment to my own brother, like what a great welcome home gift, finding out the stuff he did about me and not even hearing it from me myself. My phone soon started ringing with Michaels caller id coming up, i decided to answer as he is the one I'm closest with other then Calum.

E: Hey Mikey.

M: Hey Emmy, quick question if you don't mind me asking.

E: Anything.

M: Well Calum just called, crying by the way, and told me some stuff he found out today and asked me to talk to you as your apparently not talking to him.

E: Oh so you know to, just great another person in my life I've disappointed.

M: Em, I'm not disappointed, and neither is Calum. We're just worried about to that's all, we just want to make sure your safe and know you can talk to us when you need.

E: So your not disappointed.

M: Maybe disappointed that you didn't talk to us sooner, but no we're not. But please don't block out Calum, it'll only make the situation worst.

E: Thanks Mikey, I really needed to hear that. I'll See you Monday, Bye.

M: Bye Em.

With that the call with Michael ended, I guess he's right, blocking out Calum won't work so I decided it's finally time I told him the full story. I got up from my bed and walked over to his room. I lightly knocked on his door waiting for a response.

"Come In" I soon heard.

I slowly opened the door perking my head around the door.

"Hey." Calum soon rising from his position on his bed.

"Can we talk?" I asked with hope he'll want to actually talk.

"Of course." He patted a spot next to himself, where I soon took a seat.

"I'm ready to tell you my story about everything you heard today."

I took a big sigh before continuing, let's hope he won't hate me after this.

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